

It took me a minute to figure out what to call this category because it encompasses SO much, but I kept coming back to the ideas of all things “SELF” and how to become a better version of yourself. And I don’t mean changing or becoming something different, but instead honing in on your natural talents and become the best version of who you already are! Find articles about self-improvement, self-love, self-care, adulting, tips for success, motivation, productivity, and more!


4 Books I Just Finished

After sharing the books I’m currently reading (about to read, just finished, etc) on my stories, a few of y’all asked that I put together a blog post listing them out. So that’s what I’m doing. Y’all know I love to learn and reading is by far one of my absolute favorite ways to absorb new information, challenge myself, and think through the world around me. Here’s what I’m currently…


Why You Should Do The Hardest Thing First

Fact of life: Some tasks are just much harder than others. Whether it’s because a task is out of your comfort zone from a technical perspective or because it brings up ALL THE FEARS or because it’s going to require a difficult phone call or something like that, it’s challenging to motivate yourself to do it first up in the morning. I get that y’all – it’s hard for me,…


How to Improve Your Personal Idea of Wealth

If y’all have been following along for a while, especially on Stories, then you know that one of my goals for 2018 was to get better at finances. Honestly, as someone in my late twenties, I’m somewhat embarrassed that it’s taken me this long. On the flip side, though, it’s made me realize I’m not alone. Which is why I’m super excited to work with Charles Schwab to bring you…


How To Be Better At Making Decisions

Over the years of BTD, it is a pretty well-documented fact that making decisions is NOT my strong suit. I don’t know if it’s the fear of missing out or playing too many ‘what if’ scenarios in my head, but whatever the case may be, when it comes to “efficient” decision-making: I cringe. The net result of this cringe-induced paralysis? I don’t make a decision at all. Instead, I end…


The Classic “What Is My Purpose” Crisis

I’m experiencing one my little “what is my purpose and what am I doing and why am I here” moments this week. I don’t think this is something that I’m alone in experiencing. This is something we probably all deal with from time to time and in different ways. Right now, I’m feeling some discomfort. I don’t think it’s new, but sometimes it just feels more real and present. I’m…


How To Set Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Y’all might be thinking it’s a weird time for me to be writing about how to set goals – especially since I just told you I’ve been pretty much failing to do it! But you also know I just like sharing what I learn and I’ve never pretended to be an expert with everything over here. Since I’ve been feeling pretty aimless I decided I’d research how to set goals…


Here’s What’s Really Going On (June 2018)

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been feeling a bit aimless lately. Y’all know I go through ups and downs with this whole blogging thing – where sometimes I’m super into it and inspired and then other times not so much. But that’s not really how I’m feeling now. This is different. I’m going to try my best to explain it to you – mostly because I need to get it out of my brain and into writing but also because I want to be honest with y’all.


Getting The Right Things Done: Important vs. Urgent

Prioritizing your to-do list (and life) is obviously a personal process, but that doesn’t mean you should start from scratch. There’s a lot to learn from smart people who did great things and got a lot of *ish* done. I basically stalk successful people. Just kidding, but what I mean is that I love learning how they think and how they get things done. It helps me to see the world differently, improve my own processes, and think outside the box.


How To Overcome The Pressure To Be Perfect

Y’all already know I’m a Type A perfectionist so writing a blog post about how to deal with perfectionism and the pressure to be perfect is kinda ironic. But then again, I’ve had to learn A LOT so that I can still get stuff done and keep moving forward even though I sometimes feel like things aren’t good enough. So I guess I do actually have a lot to share.…


The Power of Learning to Accept a Compliment

Like most women reading this post, I haven’t always been comfortable (slash GOOD) at taking a compliment. I don’t know if it’s part of being female, or if it’s a personality thing, but I suck at accepting nice words face-to-face. Just the other day when leaving an industry event, the sweetest woman came up to me to shed some compliments. She was a reader of BTD (which BTW, is always…


15 Signs You Feel Pressure to Be Perfect

Do you feel pressure to be perfect? I feel like there are those who immediately say YES and then there are those who are like…hmm I’m not sure. Well, the thing is, I think the perfectionism complex is actually holding a lot of us back without us even realizing it. I’ve been totally into this topic lately as I’ve been battling some of these things on my own – figuring out ways to overcome it. In today’s post, I’m sharing 15 signs that identify whether or not the pressure to be perfect is maybe holding you back (or playing mind games with you!).


How to Get Rid of Sunday Night Anxiety

If you’ve never experienced Sunday night anxiety, or The Sunday Scaries as my friends and I call them, you’re lucky. This post probably isn’t for you. But for the rest of us, the struggle is real, right? Three p.m. sets in on a Sunday afternoon and all of a sudden, the relaxing vibes of the weekend disappear almost instantly. You start thinking about the week, all the things you have…


10 Tips To Make Going To Sleep Easier

In an attempt to #adult more, I’ve been testing out practices in the evening to make myself go to sleep easier. I wouldn’t call it a nighttime routine yet – and I kinda change it up daily – but I find these things help SO much in terms of getting in the bedtime mindset. Plus, a successful morning routine actually stems from getting your life together at night slash setting yourself up for success. Whether you’re a night owl looking to get to bed earlier or want more of a chance for a morning routine, I think you’ll like this post! Here are 10 ways to make yourself go to sleep earlier (without medicine or anything like that included).


Why Time Management Is So Important For Success

I’m not going to pretend I’m a pro at managing my time or anything like that… and if you follow me on Insta Story this is probably obvious, but I tend to perform a heck of a lot better when I know the WHY behind things I’m doing. Some intention ya know? So what I share in this post is really going to help you get a handle on why managing your time effectively is important and what you stand to gain from it — at least that’s what learning the WHY has done for me.



How to Spring Clean Your Entire Life

Since I’ve been feeling pretty naturally motivated lately, I’m taking advantage of that energy while looking at multiple aspects of my life when it comes to tidying things up. Sure, my pantry needs love, as does my closet, but what about the other parts of my life? Like relationships, work, family, etc. There’s definitely more I’ve been itching to clean up or dive into other than physically cleaning


8 Things That Kill Your Productivity

It seems like the more I try to tackle my days, the busier they get. Why is that? Honestly, productivity is something I struggle with. Not because I don’t love my work or am not passionate about the things I share with y’all, but because #BrightonBrain. The point is, there are TONS of distractions out there and I want to find a way for us all to conquer them! I mean really though, who wouldn’t love to get more done in a day? So. Let’s DO THIS! The sooner we talk about all of these things, the sooner we can start getting stuff done!


4 Things Successful People Don’t Waste Their Time On

One of my goals for the new year is to focus more on how successful people became so successful – and how I can learn from them (and hopefully become more like them). I’ve been reading a lot about how some of my idols like Oprah and Tim Ferriss got successful, and one thing I’m most curious about is how these people get everything done! I’m sure I can’t be…


15 Self-love Solutions For However You’re Feeling

I want to talk more about self-love on BTD because I think it’s SO important, but I also don’t want to make every single post heavy or super lengthy. To start off, I thought it’d be fun to share some mindset shifts or SOLUTIONS in the form of self-love to address however you may be feeling. Just a quick, short read to give you something you may need, without needing to…