

My Worship Playlist

From time to time, I’ll share a song from my worship playlist on Instagram. Whenever I do, I always get requests to share the full playlist. So, here it is! I’ve curated this playlist over several years. These are songs that either hold some significance to me or just truly bring me joy. This playlist has gotten me through some of the hardest (and best) times of my life. Obviously,…


These Were My 2023 Game-Changers

I recently saw a blog post where someone recapped the biggest game-changers for them from the past year. These weren’t the biggest trends or even the best selling products. They were the items (or activities) that made an impact for them in 2023. So, I thought I’d share my 2023 game-changers with you. PS – I promise my kids were happy in the photo above. This photo was just taken…


Things I’ve Learned in 2023

I’ve struggled to write this post for many weeks now for several reasons. Many of the lessons I’ve “learned” over the last year, I’m still in the process of learning. I by no means want to share about them as if I’m an expert on the subject, but also feel like I’ve learned some really valuable things to carry forward with me into the next year. I’ve had so many…


What I’m Saying No to This Year

When I was brainstorming New Year’s content, this topic is something that came to mind and I was intrigued by it but didn’t know if I wanted to write it. Sometimes putting this kind of stuff out there is cathartic but also can add pressure because what if I do something I said I didn’t want to on IG Stories for all of y’all to see?? This mindset definitely goes back to me being a perfectionist but I thought, ya know what? Maybe putting it out there will help hold me accountable! And I already know I’m not perfect LOL, so I guess there won’t be any real letdowns there.


My Experience with Taking CBD

Hey friends! Today’s post has been a long time coming and I’m really excited to put it together and share my full Equilibria slash CBD experience with you all. If you follow along on Stories, you see me talking about Equilibria all the time, and yes, they are a brand partner, but I also just love sharing about it because their CBD products really have made a huge impact since…


Things I’m Doing to Feel Good Right Now + Lululemon favorites

There’s no doubt 2020 has brought lots of negativity, but I’ve always been (or tried to be at least) a glass half full kind of girl. I don’t always succeed at it, but lately, I’ve been trying to remind myself of all the GOOD  and everything making me feel happy right now. I really want to spread that positivity to you guys too so I decided to write a little…


What I Do When I Feel Comparison Creeping In

Want to know something I’ve realized in the last few months? That phrase – “comparison is the thief of joy” is 100% accurate. I can be going along with life, happy as can be, and then I come across something on IG that makes me feel like I’m “behind” or “not successful enough”, etc. and just like that, I’m on a downward spiral. And with SO many amazing people sharing…


3 Things I’m Focusing on in March

First off, how the HECK is it March?! Like wow. But here we are! I shared what I do to start each month in this post and something that’s come from it has been finding personal ‘focus areas’ for the following month. I basically assess my month prior (like I mentioned in that post) and then see what I’m feeling/missing/needing in my life. Usually the focuses come pretty naturally and…


My Life Was Incredibly Unbalanced and I Couldn’t Figure Out Why

I had another blog post scheduled in my editorial calendar for today. It’s titled “Why You Need to Know What Your Priorities Are & How To Figure it Out.” I’m still going to publish it, but I wanted to write a less formal, more personal #brightonbrain type post to walk you through HOW we got here – to me wanting to write a post on priorities. About a year ago,…


Lessons I Learned in 2018

This year I learned a lot about how to deal with being overwhelmed and doing something when you feel like you can’t do anything. So many of my days in 2018 were spent taking one small step in a positive direction. I would get so STUCK. I’d think about ALL the things I had to do or what I wanted to happen or how I didn’t like how things were…


I haven’t worked out in 6 weeks; Here’s how I’m getting back on the wagon

Ugh,  it’s true. I’ve totally and completely fallen off of the workout wagon. Man, I was doing SO dang good too! But then came a few weekends of travel back to back and busy work schedules and life. You know how it goes. Even though we KNOW something feels great and that it’s making our life better, it falls off eventually. At least for me. I’ve really come to realize…


Sometimes I Feel Discouraged Trying To Live Like Jesus…

Sometimes when I read the Bible and/or readings about what the Christian life should look like and how we’ve been called to live, I feel downright disheartened by my life. Often, it seems like the Bible’s “ask” is too big or aspirational for me to even attain – way too idealistic to actually live out.  I sure would love to live my life like the Apostle Paul or the Bible’s…


Can We Talk About Stress?

Usually, when I decide on a topic I want to pursue, I spend weeks pouring over the internets reading as much as I can on the subject. I find the best articles tackling the topic, take notes, and then start to formulate my own answer to the question in a way that resonates with me and that I hope will do the same for y’all. But I had this crazy…


More Books I’m Reading

Back again with a few more books I’m currently reading. I shared some of my recent favorites back in August in this post, but wanted to share some additional ones on my list. I haven’t actually finished all these yet but thought I’d share them regardless. Some of them I’m listening to via Audible and some of them I’ve got the physical copy and am highlighting like crazy! I love…


4 Books I Just Finished

After sharing the books I’m currently reading (about to read, just finished, etc) on my stories, a few of y’all asked that I put together a blog post listing them out. So that’s what I’m doing. Y’all know I love to learn and reading is by far one of my absolute favorite ways to absorb new information, challenge myself, and think through the world around me. Here’s what I’m currently…


The Classic “What Is My Purpose” Crisis

I’m experiencing one my little “what is my purpose and what am I doing and why am I here” moments this week. I don’t think this is something that I’m alone in experiencing. This is something we probably all deal with from time to time and in different ways. Right now, I’m feeling some discomfort. I don’t think it’s new, but sometimes it just feels more real and present. I’m…


Here’s What’s Really Going On (June 2018)

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been feeling a bit aimless lately. Y’all know I go through ups and downs with this whole blogging thing – where sometimes I’m super into it and inspired and then other times not so much. But that’s not really how I’m feeling now. This is different. I’m going to try my best to explain it to you – mostly because I need to get it out of my brain and into writing but also because I want to be honest with y’all.


Things I’m feeling and Thinking

I used to be a lot more willy nilly with my content. I didn’t have an editorial calendar and if I did, I sure didn’t stick to it. I barely did any planning, ever. I just flew by the seat of my pants. I barely knew what I was going to write about the next day much less next Tuesday. But in the past year or so, I’ve really gotten my…