

It took me a minute to figure out what to call this category because it encompasses SO much, but I kept coming back to the ideas of all things “SELF” and how to become a better version of yourself. And I don’t mean changing or becoming something different, but instead honing in on your natural talents and become the best version of who you already are! Find articles about self-improvement, self-love, self-care, adulting, tips for success, motivation, productivity, and more!


My Worship Playlist

From time to time, I’ll share a song from my worship playlist on Instagram. Whenever I do, I always get requests to share the full playlist. So, here it is! I’ve curated this playlist over several years. These are songs that either hold some significance to me or just truly bring me joy. This playlist has gotten me through some of the hardest (and best) times of my life. Obviously,…


These Were My 2023 Game-Changers

I recently saw a blog post where someone recapped the biggest game-changers for them from the past year. These weren’t the biggest trends or even the best selling products. They were the items (or activities) that made an impact for them in 2023. So, I thought I’d share my 2023 game-changers with you. PS – I promise my kids were happy in the photo above. This photo was just taken…


Things I’ve Learned in 2023

I’ve struggled to write this post for many weeks now for several reasons. Many of the lessons I’ve “learned” over the last year, I’m still in the process of learning. I by no means want to share about them as if I’m an expert on the subject, but also feel like I’ve learned some really valuable things to carry forward with me into the next year. I’ve had so many…


How and Why to Do a Self-Assessment Each Year [Free Download!]

Each year, I make it a priority to take a look back at the past year and see what areas I want to grow in for the year ahead. 2023 was a wild year for us. I can’t tell you how much growing and changing I did over the last 365 days, so I’m even more excited than normal to do a self-assessment. My kids and my faith have become…


How I Stay Organized in My Business

A few weeks ago I shared a screenshot from my project management software, Asana, and several of you asked me to talk more about how I stay organized in my professional and personal life. For me, the two are pretty intertwined, and I’ve found it easiest to use the same project manager for both. I’ve been using Asana for over 6 years and absolutely LOVE it. It’s mostly for my…


Books I Read in 2022

If you’ve been following me for more than a year, you might remember that I set a goal for myself last December to read a minimum of 3 books each month. I’ve always enjoyed reading, but it’s been a challenge for me to sit down and get through a book. I also have a habit of only reading self-development books, so I really wanted to start incorporating some fun fiction…


What I Read in May

I’m back with another “What I Read” post! In May, I only read two books (versus my goal of three), but honestly, they were both so good that I don’t even care. I feel like I got a lot out of both of these and I’m excited to share them with you. During pregnancy, my emotions are all over the place (hello, hormones), so I like to read books that…


What I Read in April

I can’t believe we’re already in the fourth month of doing these book reviews. It feels like just yesterday that I was setting the goal to read at least three books per month this year. The first three months of the year, I actually read four books each month — but in April, I ended up only getting through one. If you missed my recaps from previous months, I’ve linked…


How to Get Out of a Funk

I’ve shared a bit in the past, but pregnancy is really tough for me both mentally and physically. I know that sounds obvious and that most women feel the same way, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find myself in a funk from time to time. This happens even when I’m not pregnant too, of course, but I find myself feeling “meh” way more when I’m pregnant. I…


What I Read in March

I’m back again with another review of the books I read last month! I meant to share this earlier in April but honestly, I just had a lot of other content to share so this kind of got pushed to the backburner. With that said, this month’s list is really good in my opinion. The past couple of months, I felt like my books sort of had a theme, but…


BTD Community List of Book Recommendations

I have always been an avid reader. From the time I was a little girl, I’ve just loved picking up a book and getting lost in it. When I was younger, fiction books were my jam, but now that I’m an adult, I find myself gravitating toward non-fiction books. At the beginning of this year, I set a goal for myself to read three books a month for the entire…


What I Read in February

You may remember I set a goal at the beginning of the year to read three books a month, and I’m proud to share that this is my second month reading four! I reviewed the books I read in January last month, and I can’t believe it’s already time to share my February finds. I actually really enjoyed all four of the books I read in February. You’ve probably noticed…


What I Read in January

I’ve talked a few times recently about my goals for 2022. One goal I set was to read 3 books a month, and I’m proud to share that I actually read 4 in January. They were all just SO GOOD that I flew through them. I should note that I listened to a couple of these books on audio, which is how I was able to fit them all in…


How to Stay on Track With Your Resolutions

Happy Monday, everyone! I can’t believe this is the last day of January. I feel like this is the time of the year when a lot of us start to struggle with our resolutions and goals. I don’t know about you, but I’m always full steam ahead at the beginning of the year and it becomes more and more challenging to stay focused on hitting my goals as the year…


How I Manage My Time & Calendar

If you’ve ever said the phrase, “I wish there were more hours in the day,” this blog post is for you. I’m honestly super pumped for this post; it’s been a long time in the making. I’ve talked quite a bit about time management in the past as it’s always been a topic near and dear to my heart. I find that if I don’t have a good time management…


My Current Morning Ritual

Happy Tuesday, friends! I am loving this cool weather that makes it actually feel like winter outside. Don’t get me wrong, the 70-degree days are amazing too, but there’s something about a crisp winter morning that wakes me up and energizes me throughout the day. I’ve talked before about the importance of a good morning routine. In fact, I’ve even shared my secrets to a better morning. But as any…


How to Set Your Business Up for Success in 2022

If you’re like me, you may have spent the past couple of weeks doing all the self-assessments, planning, goal setting, reflection, etc. I’ve mentioned in a few posts recently that I just love this time of year. The fresh slate is so motivating to me, and I love really digging deep and doing the hard work to figure out where I can (and want to) improve this year. For me, planning…


5 Things Successful People Do Every January

Whether it’s a new job, new house, or new year, I love a fresh start! I think there is something so exciting about getting a clean slate to create whatever opportunities you want. That’s why I’m such a huge fan of the New Year. We’re given 365 days ahead and it’s up to us to figure out the story we want to tell! Recently, I was doing some research on…