

2024 Spiritual Habits Refresh

New Year’s is a great time to revitalize some habits that maybe fell away towards the end of the previous year! I know in my own life, the last few months of the calendar year are busy and it’s so easy for me to get out of routine. I think it’s ok to have seasons where you just enjoy life and all the parties that come with it, but there’s…


My Primary Bathroom Wallpaper

It’s been a minute since I’ve done home content but I had to share my primary bathroom wallpaper update. When we first bought this home, it was under construction. The move back from Denver happened right before Four was born, so it was just a super chaotic time in general. You might remember that my primary bathroom was a work in progress for a LONG time. We didn’t officially finish it…


Things I’ve Learned in 2023

I’ve struggled to write this post for many weeks now for several reasons. Many of the lessons I’ve “learned” over the last year, I’m still in the process of learning. I by no means want to share about them as if I’m an expert on the subject, but also feel like I’ve learned some really valuable things to carry forward with me into the next year. I’ve had so many…


5 Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas My Kids Will Actually Eat

One of my core memories growing up is enjoying breakfast with my family on Christmas morning. My mom would always go all out with lots of delicious pastries and breakfast casseroles. We’d play with our new toys and basically graze on food for the entire morning while staying in our pajamas. Honestly, it was heaven! So, I figured it would be helpful to share some Christmas morning breakfast ideas that…


Our Favorite Children’s Holiday Movies (You Won’t Mind Watching Too)

Now that I have young kids, I find myself on the hunt for good holiday movies that I can put on from time to time. I’ve done some research online to find new movies to try, but there are some children’s holiday movies that my kids just go back to each time. I thought it’d be helpful to share a few of our favorites (two of which saved me on…


Cute Gift Wrap & Holiday Decor from Amazon

It’s officially time to start thinking about holiday decor! I know today is Halloween, but before you know it, we’ll be hanging stockings and putting ornaments up on the tree. If you’re wanting to refresh some of your holiday decor this year, I’ve got you covered with some cute gift wrap and holiday decor from Amazon. These are some of the holiday decor pieces I have around my house and…


My Go-To Morning Green Smoothie

A few weeks ago, I posted my morning smoothie on Instagram stories and the response was crazy! This has honestly been my go-to smoothie for years now — I’ll randomly swap out ingredients to try something new. But for the most part, I know I love this flavor, so I stick with this recipe. I’ll be honest, IMO the secret ingredient is mint. I never even thought about adding it…


Blake’s Berry First Birthday Party

A few weeks ago we celebrated sweet Blake turning one. The past year has gone by in a blur. But I can’t imagine our family without her. She truly completes us! I saw this cute berry theme idea on Pinterest (of course) and loved it. As soon as I knew the theme, I reached out to Madeleine from Madeleine Creative. She’s helped us with several parties, including Four’s first birthday party and a…


How I Organize My Sunglasses

If you’re like me, you’ve probably grown quite the collection of sunglasses over the years. I will typically spend a bit more on my sunglasses so they’ll last me awhile. Because of this, my sunglasses have accumulated and were constantly ending up in the most random of places. When I decided to find a good storage solution, nothing I saw online really worked for what I needed. Then I saw…


My Review of Sea Island, Georgia

Last month, my entire family made our way up to Sea Island, Georgia, for an incredible family vacation. We’ve been several times before, but this time was especially fun because all of the cousins got to hang out and spend some quality time together. Plus, Four is finally old enough to appreciate trips like this. Even though they say that traveling with toddlers is a trip, not a vacation, I…


10 Things We Love for Blake at 10 Months

I honestly can’t believe it, but Blake is already 10 (and a half) months old. She will be one year old in September. This past year has flown by, and I love every stage she’s been through even more than the one before. It’s wild that we’re already starting to plan her first birthday! She’s getting so much personality but she’s truly the most chill baby. I think maybe it’s a…


Easy Salad Prep for a Week of Meals

Y’all loved the salad prep that Lele and I shared on IG last summer, so I had to bring it to the blog. My sister Lele has been doing this salad prep forever, and when she introduced it to me, I became an instant fan. We both love eating healthy when we can, and this is an easy way to have meals ready to go so you’re not grabbing an unhealthy…


The Viral Packing Hack You Need to Try

Last week, I traveled with the kids to Sea Island, Georgia for a fun family vacation. I don’t care where you go, getting to spend quality time with your family and seeing your kids make memories together is actual heaven on earth — although Sea Island was pretty great too. ;) I’m planning to put together a quick recap of our trip for the blog… but that’s not what this…


Our Banquette Kitchen Island Remodel

I’ve been meaning to share an update on our banquette kitchen island for a while! Those of you who’ve been following me for a minute probably remember that I made some updates to my kitchen when we first bought this home in Dallas. While I loved the bar stools (they were old McGee & Co. from our Denver home) I had in the kitchen, they just didn’t provide enough seating. I knew…


Where I Shop for My Kids’ Clothing

Butterfly Print Knit Zipper Pajamas Any time I post photos of my kiddos on IG, I get tons of DMs asking where I like to shop for them. I figured a blog post was the best spot to round up some of my favorite shops. I wrote a post about our favorite pajamas recently too that might be helpful. So, without further adieu, the sites I shop most frequently for…


Our Favorite Pajamas for the Kiddos

Picking out cute pajamas for my kiddos has quickly become one of my favorite things about parenting. And based on how quickly my kids are growing (time, slow down!), I find myself buying new pajamas more often than I ever thought I would. I spent a lot of time finding my go-to spots for pajama shopping when Four was a baby, but by now, I usually just check my favorite…


How I Organize Our Family Calendar

There are few things I love more than a fresh month and an empty calendar. Even though technology has made it so easy to put all of your appointments, to-dos, and tasks on a calendar (with alerts albeit), I’m a tried and true traditionalist when it comes to calendars, planners, notepads, etc. I shared a bit about how I manage my calendar when it comes to business tasks, but how I…


Easy, Kid-Friendly Meals I Make Regularly

If there’s one thing I’ve discovered as a mom, it’s that dinnertime can be chaotic. It’s one of my favorite times of the day, but between keeping Four busy, making sure Blake is okay, and getting dinner prepped, things can get kind of crazy. I used to spend a lot more time working on dinner, but these days, I try to keep things as simple as possible. The crockpot or…