

The Best Trips I’ve Taken

Travel has always been something that’s important to me. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to visit a lot of really amazing places in my life, and there are a ton still on my bucket list! Some of these trips were work-related, while others were trips that I got to take with friends or Duncan. With vacation season in full effect and summer right around the corner, I thought it might be fun…


My Fitness Favorites Right Now

Let me preface this post by saying I’m using the term “fitness” loosely. Even though I worked out somewhat regularly throughout my pregnancy, it’s been a challenge for me to keep up a workout routine after having Blake. With that being said, anyone who knows me knows that I focus on progress over perfection. I’ve always been someone who worries more about moving my body than hitting a certain number…


Tips for Traveling With Kids

It wasn’t until I traveled with my own kids that I really understood the fear parents have of traveling with children. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been on many flights with screaming children, but there’s something truly terrifying when it’s your OWN KIDS doing the screaming. We’ve traveled a few times now with the kids, and I feel like I’ve picked up on a few tricks to help keep them…


What I’d Include On My Baby Registry As a First-Time Mom Today

When I was pregnant with Four, I had zero idea what I’d need to take care of a baby. Of course, I did *tons* of research online to see what we might need, but ultimately, it was a shot in the dark on what to include on our baby registry. When I created our registry, I added all of the items friends told me I’d need, and we ended up…


My Mom Uniform When I Don’t Have Time to Worry About My Outfit

Here at BTD, we love a neutral look. So it’s no surprise that on the days when I don’t have time to worry about my outfit, I opt for a mom look that is tone-on-tone. I’ve shared my love for a monochromatic outfit before, and I truly think it’s just so timeless, while also being a bit on trend as well. STEP 1: Comfortable Pants On the days when I’m full-on…


Our Favorite Baby Sleep Sack

I’ve had a lot of people message me asking what baby sleep sack we use for the kids, so I thought I’d dedicate an entire blog post to the one we use every day and the others that we tried and ended up not using. It’s probably important that I share the disclaimer that both of my kids have been really good sleepers. I feel super blessed. So many of…


My Spring Cleaning Checklist

It’s that time of year again. Spring cleaning is in the air! Time to bust out the Swiffer, move all of your furniture, and deep clean your entire home. This is a ritual I’ve found super therapeutic over the years. It sort of feels like a fresh start after months of holidays, cold weather, etc. I don’t truly feel like my spring kicks off until I get my house cleaned…


Easter Basket Gift Ideas for Kids

Okay, I have to admit that I’m pretty proud of myself. I’ve actually started putting together the kids’ Easter baskets already. (Well, more just ordering the gifts, but still.) I had a great time putting together Four’s Easter basket last year — it was fun finding little trinkets to include. I figured I’d share what I’ve bought or have my eye on for both baskets this year. Since each basket…


Our Bedroom Drapery and Window Treatments

Any time I post photos of my bedroom, I have several people reach out about my bedroom drapery and window treatments. These are the same drapes I had in my living room in our Denver home (see the photo below). Clearly, I’m a fan. When searching for drapes, we wanted some that would feel sheer-ish but still filter out light. As you can see, our room gets sunlight at certain…


Four’s Car-Themed Birthday Party

So many of you DM’d me with questions after I posted about Four’s second birthday party on Instagram. I covered a lot of it in stories, but I wanted to put it on the blog too (with links!) for any of you who want to come back to this when you’re planning a party or looking for inspo. It feels like we JUST had Four’s first birthday party like yesterday, but…


Best Spots In Dallas for Kids

Last time I checked, it’s supposed to rain all weekend. Now that Four is a full-on toddler, he *HAS* to get his energy out or it makes for a very long day. Most days, he’ll run around our backyard for hours or we’ll visit a park. But when it rains, I’ve got to get creative and find other ways for him to be entertained. When I was looking up activities…


My Fourth Trimester Recap

One of the things I wish people talked about more before you have a baby is the fourth trimester. I’d honestly never heard of it before I had Four, and I was kind of blindsided after coming home with him (for many reasons lol like the biggest ice storm to hit Dallas in years). Basically, the fourth trimester is the 3 months of your baby’s life. Aka the newborn phase.…


Why We Chose the Amangani Hotel in Jackson Hole

At the beginning of the year, Duncan and I decided to take a trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It was my first time visiting this beautiful place, and I’m already looking forward to the chance to go back. After posting some IG stories from my trip, I had several people ask for details of my trip, so I decided to write a dedicated blog post to answer everything in one…


Our Trip to the Solage Resort In Calistoga

If you’re looking for somewhere to take a couple’s trip or even a girl’s trip, I’ve got the perfect spot. For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you probably saw me posting about my recent trip to California. It was so incredible that I wanted to write a full recap on the blog. Duncan and I decided to go right after Christmas (we literally left the next day and…


What I’ve Learned From Transitioning From 1 to 2 Kids

One of the most common questions I get is how I’m handling the transition from 1 kid to 2. I’ve heard such varying answers from different people on this topic. Some parents think it’s easier than the first child, others think it’s harder. I think it’s so subjective. I wanted to share my thoughts regardless. As I’m writing this, Blake is only 4 months old, so I’m still fresh into…


A Day In the Life As a Mom of Two

I’ve recently done a couple of “Day In the Life” posts on Instagram stories and gotten SO MUCH response — you guys seem to love them! I honestly really love watching/reading other people’s versions of this myself too. I think it’s just helpful to see the little tips and tricks that others do to save time in the day. Before I share more, I should note that every day is…


The Leggings Four Wears Every Day

Remember before you have kids and you dream of dressing them in super cute clothes? Then they’re born and you realize that all you care about is what’s most practical. I spent so much money on cute pants, but these leggings from H&M are ALL I put on Four. They’re so cute and easy. We’ve literally got three packs (they come in a set of 5 different colors for $30).…


Christmas Day Dishes You’ll Want to Try

One of my favorite things about the holidays is coming up with a menu for the day. Whether I’m hosting and making a meal for 20 people or just putting together breakfast for my little family of four, there’s something about cooking on the holidays that makes it so special. I also really enjoy sharing my menu ideas on the blog. Every year, I try to come up with some…