Life - April 4, 2023

What I’d Include On My Baby Registry As a First-Time Mom Today


When I was pregnant with Four, I had zero idea what I’d need to take care of a baby. Of course, I did *tons* of research online to see what I might need, but ultimately, it was a shot in the dark on what to include on our baby registry.

When I created our registry, I added all of the items friends told me I’d need, and I ended up getting a lot of really amazing gear that helped make life as a new mom easier. But there were some items I registered for that I just really didn’t end up needing.

With Blake, I had a much clearer idea of what we’d need and what I could do without this time. I also think a lot of what you end up using depends on your baby. For instance, Four LOVED the Baby Bjorn bouncer and could sit there for 20-30 minutes while I did chores or cooked dinner. Blake, on the other hand, prefers to be held, so I found myself wearing her in my Solly Baby Wrap a lot.

Thankfully, I saved pretty much everything I used for Four, so there wasn’t a ton I needed for Blake. The biggest thing I needed was diapers and girl clothes. I used most of the same gear since Four is a toddler now and doesn’t need to use most of it (he uses a few things like the sound machine and Keekaroo changing pad still).

But I got to wondering the other day what I would register for if I was doing it all over again for the first time. There are a lot of items I registered for that I honestly didn’t use much and other things that I ended up going out and buying *after* baby was born because I knew we’d use them.

So, here’s a look at what I’d register for as a first-time mom today.


A good stroller

I wrote a full (super long) blog post about our stroller situation with Four here that you can check out, but I basically opted to have two different strollers. One is our on-the-go stroller which easily expands and collapses when I need to put it in the car. The other option we use a lot is more of an everyday stroller which is great when we go on family walks. If you could *only* choose one, I think I’d suggest the Doona since it serves more purposes as a car seat/stroller, but if you can swing both, I highly recommend it.


All-in-One Infant Car Seat/Stroller

This car seat/stroller was a lifesaver with Four. Essentially, it’s an infant car seat that can easily convert into a stroller. I love that it can be collapsed and expanded with the click of a button. It’s perfect when you’re on the go!


VISTA V2 Stroller

This has been our main stroller with both kids. Because of all of the different configurations, it can be used in toddlerhood too. If we’re out somewhere and need to do a lot of walking, we’ll use this for Four and then keep Blake in the Doona — although these days, Four prefers to walk on his own.

Changing pad

This changing pad was a no-brainer for me. There honestly aren’t a ton of great options, and this one came strongly recommended by several friends. It’s super easy to clean and it’s soft enough that I was never nervous lying a fragile newborn down when it was time to do a diaper change.


Peanut Changer

I recommend this changer to every new mom I talk to. We’ve loved it for both kids. It’s super padded and can be cleaned easily with a quick wipe-down.

Bottle Maker

If you’re planning to use formula at any point with your baby, I’d register for this bottle maker for sure. Can you make a bottle without it? Of course, but it’s so easy to use. You truly just hit a button and bam, you have a bottle. In those beginning days (and nights) of baby, I’d pay a lot for something that saves me just a little time.

Baby Brezza

Formula Pro Advanced Formula Dispenser

After I finished nursing both babies, we switched to formula, so we used the Baby Brezza a TON. I kind of think of it as a Keurig for formula. You press a button, wait a short amount of time, and your bottle is ready to go!

Baby Bathtub

You will *definitely* want to add a baby tub to your baby registry. It’s almost impossible to bathe a baby without something to keep them supported (trust me, I’ve tried). For $50, this tub is worth every penny! I really like that it can be used for different stages of infancy too, so you really don’t need more than one tub.

Skip Hop

Baby Bathtub

You don’t need much for bathtime with babies. Now that Four is a toddler, I feel like his bathtub is filled with dozens of toys, but for infants, less is more. This bathtub is great for newborns all the way to older babies (who are sitting up).

Sound Machine

Okay, I’m not being dramatic when I say this will be your best friend come nap or bedtime. We use it every single night and any time either child is napping (they each have one in their room). It connects to wifi so you can control the sounds from anywhere nearby, which is great when they wake up and start crying.

Hatch Baby

Sound Machine

If you register for one thing, it should be THIS. Only half kidding. It really is a game-changer for bedtime and naps though. When my kids nap without this, their naps are so much shorter.

Baby Bouncer

This was a huge help when Four was little. Sadly, Blake didn’t enjoy it quite as much, but any time I needed to put Four down to cook or clean, this was my go-to. It also folds up nicely so if you ever need to travel with it, you can. I think he only used it until he was around six months or so since it can’t hold a ton of weight, but I’d still register for it again in a heartbeat!



Four absolutely loved this thing! Blake tolerated it briefly, but once she got a bit bigger, she would fidget a lot so I just ended up holding her or putting her in our pack-n-play. I do think this bouncer is a great thing to add to your registry though. It’s so helpful when you need a free hand!


Baby Lounger

This would definitely fall under the nice-to-have category, but I really enjoyed ours. Back when I still had time to relax (ha!), I’d put Four down in this while I watched tv on the couch. It was nice to have him contained somewhere near us. This really only works until your baby starts rolling though, which is why I probably wouldn’t register for it again.

Snuggle Me

Infant Lounger

We got a ton of use out of our baby lounger. We personally used the Dock a Tot, but I’ve heard great things about Snuggle Me. It’s really great for newborns especially when they can’t be placed in a bouncer yet but you need to lay them down somewhere safe.


If you plan to keep your baby in your room for more than a month or so, I think this is a great investment. It’s super lightweight so you can move it around if needed. I kept ours next to our bed for the first month or so after each baby was born, then they both transitioned to their cribs around 5 months. I would still use it for naps and on weekends though!


Swivel Sleeper

Whether or not you need a bassinet in addition to your crib is sort of a personal choice. For us, we had both babies sleep in our room for the first month or so after they were born, so it was nice to have a place for them to sleep that could be right near our bed. Then, once they transitioned into their cribs, we’d use this for some naps and on the weekends occasionally.

baby swing

Neither of my kids really used this, but I have a lot of friends who swear by it. This swing can sway your baby at five different speeds so you can find the one your baby likes. It also connects to Bluetooth which is great if you’ve got a playlist your baby really enjoys.


MamaRoo Swing

If your baby enjoys being rocked, this is a great option to keep calm them down. Unfortunately, neither of mine did, so we never really used it. I’ve heard from tons of friends whose babies LOVED it though, so I had to include it on my list!

wipe warmer

Last but not least is this wipe warmer. It’s probably a luxury in reality, but why not add it to your registry? Someone is bound to buy it for you! I used ours a ton for both babies. It’s pretty self-explanatory — it heats up your baby’s wipes so they’re not so cold when you’re changing their diapers.


Wipe Warmer

I wouldn’t consider this a necessity by any means, but it’s definitely nice to have. Newborns especially seem to hate cold wipes, so having the option to warm them up a bit before you wipe is great. I found this one to work well, plus it has 1500 reviews on Amazon!