

My Summer Bucketlist

Not sure where my motivation has been lately, but I have just not been feelin’ it. But I posted my Summer bucket list on my Instagram Monday night and something about putting that together got me all excited. So I wanted to compile it into a blog post! Plus, I wanted to share the details from the picnic that Katie and I had last week. It was so much fun…


5 Clear Signs You Need a Vacation

Y’all might have noticed that my recent trip to Florida was last-minute, which is very Brighton but it’s not how I usually travel. Whether work or personal, I usually have trips planned out at least a few months in advance, but this trip was different. It seems like it’s a natural thing – waves of motivation – and lately, I had been in somewhat of a slump. I don’t even…


Currently Loving: Sam Edelman Denim

I’ve been a longtime fan of Sam Edelman since as long as I can remember. Sam Edelman shoes are always so stylish and on-trend while also affordable and comfortable too. So I was super excited to learn about their new denim line and couldn’t wait to try on a pair for myself! And just like their shoes, the jeans did NOT disappoint.


5 Things I’ve been Loving/Enjoying Lately

I just got back to Dallas from Fiji and the jetlag is REAL. I feel like I was JUST getting used to the time difference (+17 hours!) and then it was time to come back home! But that’s just part of traveling I guess. Anyway, I’m excited to be back in Dallas this week and to get my life together. There are several things I need to address – that…


Peasant Blouses For All year Round

I hope y’all are following along on insta stories of my trip in Fiji because I have a new best friend and she’s AMAZING. Her name is “MAMA Tokasa” and she’s the BEST dose of sunshine I’ve had in a very long time. Just being around her makes me happy and lifts up my spirits! Anyway, back to the topic I wanted to talk about today: peasant tops. I picked…


‘Bout That Bodysuit

  Bodysuits. They are freaking everywhere, have you noticed?! I’m pretty sure models like Kendall Jenner started wearing them a couple years ago, then after that, they’ve made their way into every store and onto (just about)  everyone and their sister. And after a couple years of not being into the look at all (some look like legit bathing suits + I just couldn’t get on board with a full bodysuit…


The High Slit Maxi Skirt

After years of admiring the high-slit skirt look from afar, I decided it was finally time to give it a shot myself. The past few times I’ve tried to order this look, my size was always sold out. I’ve seen the most options on Revolve, but I snatched this one up from ASOS right before my latest trip to NYC. I really have loved so many of the options I’ve…


Jean Skirt Kick

Have you noticed I’ve been on a bit of a jean skirt kick this summer? I don’t know why, but I’ve just become really partial to them and have been determined to bring them back. I remember when they used to be a huge thing back when I was in 7th grade. At my school, we hadn’t yet implemented uniforms (that happened in 9th grade), so we could still wear…


5 Cute NYC Brunch Spots in Soho

I'm not much of a brunch person when I'm in Dallas, but I love to try new spots while traveling. I spent the past week in NYC and got to try a few spots while there. I wore this dress to brunch at Hundred Acres in Soho last Thursday - how fun is that blue exterior?! I loved it! I wore this little red, floral dress from ASOS and it was the perfect ensemble (light and easy!) since it was a zillion degrees outside. I picked up a few cute summer dresses from there before heading to NYC; I'm always able to find great, affordable, and easy little summer dresses there!


New Chanel Earrings from Switch!

A few months ago, I was talking with my girlfriend about how I was on the hunt for a pearl Chanel pin for an outfit I had in mind, and she told me about this website called Switch. And I’m SO excited to share it with y’all today! It’s a monthly membership that gives you access to all kinds of awesome designer jewelry. Basically, once you become a member, you can search their…


Fourth of July Outfit

Can you believe 4th of July is just around the corner?! I sure can’t! Do you have anything fun planned? Since I’ve been traveling so much lately, I think I’m going to take it easy for the holiday. Plus, it’s on a Tuesday, which kinds stinks. But even still, when I’m able to I like to put outfits together to get myself (and you!) in the holiday spirit. It’s fun…


That Time I Found Out I Need Glasses…

I’ve never really been one to worry about my eyes or glasses or anything else to that matter because I’ve always been able to see just fine. You know? And I could always pass the eye exams for physicals AND/or when taking the driving test (which now I know aren’t actual eye exams – ha). Sometimes my eyes get tired at night and I can’t really read road signs that are…


Why I Took a Personal Day with Marks & Spencer

As I've mentioned recently on my site, the last couple weeks have I haven't been feeling like myself, am incredibly burnt out, not exactly motivated, overwhelmed, you name it. I've been in a funk. And of course I've experienced a funk before, but this one has lasted weeks - which is definitely longer than usual. I've tried working through it, working out, reading, sleeping more, etc., and nothing was really working or pushing me out of it.


12 Summer Dresses To Love Right Now

I'm still getting warmed up the fact that it's ACTUALLY June - even though we're pretty much one solid week in. But with June comes the official start of summer - it's the real deal. The temps have started to rise (MAJOR) in Dallas and lately all I've been wanting to throw on is an easy dress. As such, I wanted to round up a few of my favorites at Nordstrom; they always have the best selection! The dress I'm wearing here is Eliza J., but unfortunately (like most of the REALLY good ones), it's basically sold out now.


Dallas Farmer’s Market

I’m not your typical farmer’s market kinda gal – I’ve of course heard and seen them before, but for some reason the thought of actually going never crossed my mind until recently. A friend of mine told me about a market right here in Dallas, and since I’m doing my best to be healthy Brighton, I thought it’d be a fun way to explore a new adventure and to pick…


The Perfect Girly Dress for a Summer Wedding

Don't get me wrong, I totally love weddings - celebrating love with people they love, the food, the dancing, the decor, the dress! - but has anyone else noticed that they fully take over your (spring and) summer plans? It's a ton of fun, but I'm more so shocked that your twenties (and probably thirties?) are filled with all sorts of wedding-related events. I guess it's just not something I really thought about until the invites started taking over our fridge...and my desk too.


Sunshine, Gingham & Dallas LTK Wall Mural

How cute is the new wall mural in uptown Dallas?! It’s right outside Standard Pour in Uptown if you want to stop by and take a photo while you’re in the area. I love how colorful it is :) I wanted to share this dress with y’all because I feel like everything about it screams Spring & Summer:: the cute peplum sleeve, the gingham, and even the classic gingham…


Cancun Photo Diary

I wanted to put all my photos from Cancun into one blog post because I felt like yesterday’s BTD Weekly Instagram Roundup was getting a bit overloaded! Plus, with my personal rant on traveling at the beginning, it was just going to be WAY too much content for one blog post :) So woohoo – I split it up! Here’s all my swimsuits + outfits from last week’s trip to…