

It took me a minute to figure out what to call this category because it encompasses SO much, but I kept coming back to the ideas of all things “SELF” and how to become a better version of yourself. And I don’t mean changing or becoming something different, but instead honing in on your natural talents and become the best version of who you already are! Find articles about self-improvement, self-love, self-care, adulting, tips for success, motivation, productivity, and more!


How To Define Your Priorities & Why You Should Care

Before you jump into today’s post, I want to stop y’all and make sure you read this post of mine from last week. While you could read today’s post and still gather something from it (hopefully!), that first post really sets this up – or at least that’s how I intended this whole priorities chat to go. I always like to tell the whole story of something instead of just…


What Likable People Have in Common

Do you ever wonder what others think about you? Not in the comparison or I need to be perfect kind of way, but more the self-improvement kind of way. Like, you want to make sure you’re being a good friend, but it can be kind of awkward to out of nowhere ask one of your girlfriends, “Hey, am I a good friend?” Plus, if your friend has feedback, all the…


My Life Was Incredibly Unbalanced and I Couldn’t Figure Out Why

I had another blog post scheduled in my editorial calendar for today. It’s titled “Why You Need to Know What Your Priorities Are & How To Figure it Out.” I’m still going to publish it, but I wanted to write a less formal, more personal #brightonbrain type post to walk you through HOW we got here – to me wanting to write a post on priorities. About a year ago,…


25 Things You *Should* Be Doing At 25

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably realized by now that #adulting is actually way harder than we all thought it was when we were kids. I honestly still don’t feel like an “adult” most days, I just read a lot of self-help books (I HIGHLY recommend it) that help keep me in check. Seriously though, there’s a list a million things long that I feel like I should have…


10 Habits of Confident Women + How to Learn From Them

Y’all know I’m a pretty big self-improvement nerd and am always looking for ways to grow and learn. Well, today that means sharing 10 habits of confident women. Before we dive in, I just want to say that these are not what defines a confident woman, just some of the habits she might practice on a daily basis. And with it being the start of a new year, I thought…


5 Easy Tricks to Keep You Focused While Working

I know we’ve talked about productivity and the like on BTD before – and y’all seem to love the subject as much as me. When I’m truly working on my focus/productivity and am prioritizing it, it’s pretty amazing how better my life can be. From self care, to work, to development, to chores and so on, having a focused mindset really can go far! But today I want to talk…


Lessons I Learned in 2018

This year I learned a lot about how to deal with being overwhelmed and doing something when you feel like you can’t do anything. So many of my days in 2018 were spent taking one small step in a positive direction. I would get so STUCK. I’d think about ALL the things I had to do or what I wanted to happen or how I didn’t like how things were…


How to “Find Balance” When You’re Busy

Balance is one of those unicorn words in my opinion. Do y’all know what I mean? As in, I don’t know if I totally believe in it (hence the quotations around “find balance” in the headline of this article). And the funny thing is, once I realized that it’s kind of impossible to feel balanced 24/7, I almost felt better about things. Because here’s the thing – we all have…


I haven’t worked out in 6 weeks; Here’s how I’m getting back on the wagon

Ugh,  it’s true. I’ve totally and completely fallen off of the workout wagon. Man, I was doing SO dang good too! But then came a few weekends of travel back to back and busy work schedules and life. You know how it goes. Even though we KNOW something feels great and that it’s making our life better, it falls off eventually. At least for me. I’ve really come to realize…


Tips for Making an Inspiration Board

Hey friends! OK, I’m really excited about today’s post because it’s something I’ve always enjoyed doing (going all the way back to like high school) and is a fun activity that can help spark some motivation! It can also double as some pretty amazing wall decor in your office. ;) So, what am I talking about? Inspiration boards! Have you ever made one? Or maybe you’ve thought about it but weren’t…


11 Ways to Single Task + Why It’s Important

“The power of multitasking is a myth. Human beings are, essentially, single-core processors. We can’t effectively check our email, listen to someone asking up for feedback on a project, and take notes simultaneously. We can do it, sure, but everything suffers.”


What My Fall Morning Routine Looks Like (+ Ideas for Yours!)

Morning routines seem to be one of those things that EVERYONE likes to talk about – including me. Y’all responded really well to this post on morning routines (which I’m still pretty proud of TBH, so if you haven’t read it yet, please do). And it’s a topic that I see everywhere – from talking with people in my life to articles I read, etc. Everyone is so interested in…


8 Things You Can Do Every Day to Be More Confident

One of the things I’m most thankful for in life is that my parents worked to raise us as confident people. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still something I struggle with EVERY SINGLE DAY, but it’s always been instilled in me. That I’m good enough. That I’m loved. And even though I know that in the back of my head, it doesn’t mean I don’t question decisions and feel like…


Sometimes I Feel Discouraged Trying To Live Like Jesus…

Sometimes when I read the Bible and/or readings about what the Christian life should look like and how we’ve been called to live, I feel downright disheartened by my life. Often, it seems like the Bible’s “ask” is too big or aspirational for me to even attain – way too idealistic to actually live out.  I sure would love to live my life like the Apostle Paul or the Bible’s…


10 Things To Do at the Beginning of Every Month

I kinda love the idea of having a monthly checklist, and when I started hearing about this idea on the interwebs, I knew I wanted to write my own – and start my own. I sometimes feel like time just blurs together and if you’re not conscious about it, goals and life does, too. So I’m VERY much into the idea of doing certain things at the start of each…


Can We Talk About Stress?

Usually, when I decide on a topic I want to pursue, I spend weeks pouring over the internets reading as much as I can on the subject. I find the best articles tackling the topic, take notes, and then start to formulate my own answer to the question in a way that resonates with me and that I hope will do the same for y’all. But I had this crazy…


More Books I’m Reading

Back again with a few more books I’m currently reading. I shared some of my recent favorites back in August in this post, but wanted to share some additional ones on my list. I haven’t actually finished all these yet but thought I’d share them regardless. Some of them I’m listening to via Audible and some of them I’ve got the physical copy and am highlighting like crazy! I love…


How to Prioritize When Everything Is Important

So many successful people talk about the importance of prioritizing and how it’s such a necessary skill in being able to get things done. But I’m over here, nodding my head, like yes yes yes. Okay totally. I agree, but the question is: HOW? How do I actually prioritize when literally everything feels (and seems) important? I clearly can’t do it all at once. Even though I still struggle with this, I’ve learned a lot along the way. So here is exactly what I do when I need to figure out how to prioritize my overwhelming list of things to do, step-by-step.