Gift Guides

Gift Guides

This is where you’ll find all of my gift guides, including the holiday gift guides 2022. My goal with these guides is to make gift-giving less stressful and more enjoyable for you by curating my top picks for different categories. I personally love looking at blogger gift guides because they give me ideas and inspiration I might not have otherwise. If there’s a category you’d like to see that isn’t included in our 2022 holiday gift guides, let me know via the FAQ page. Happy shopping!

Gift Guides

BTD Gift Guide 2020: For The Homebody

I usually put together a homebody gift guide every year, but it has never felt as appropriate as it does this year. It’s basically full of everything you need to hunker down at home and live your best life. So whether you’re shopping for yourself or the homebody in your life, I have a feeling you’ll find something! You can create a whole mood by cozying up with this plush…

Gift Guides

BTD Gift Guide 2020: Under $50

Today’s gift guide is all about great finds under $50! If you have a few friends you’re wanting to buy for want something good on a budget, this is for you! I tried to gather a variety of ideas from this amazing and cozy pajama set to Stasher bags (these are GREAT) to this bracelet O Key Ring – I have one of these and it’s quickly become my go-to…

Gift Guides

BTD Gift Guide 2020: Wellness

Happy day three of 2020 gift guides, friends! Today is all about wellness. Y’all know I have a love-hate relationship with wellness – one minute I’m really into it and LOVE it and the next minute I’m exhausted of it and just want to lay down and eat pasta and French fries. I wish I could blame that mindset on pregnancy, but that’s pretty much how I’ve always been with…

Gift Guides

BTD Gift Guide 2020: For Your Parents & In-Laws

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like parents (and especially in-laws) can be the *hardest* to shop for during the holidays! Anyone else agree?! In my experience, when parents want something, they usually just buy it themselves and don’t “want” for a whole lot. This is why when I put this guide together I basically came up with three categories for gift ideas: 1.) Sentimental, like this personalized ornament…

Gift Guides

BTD Gift Guide 2020: For Your Sister or BFF

Holy wow how am I putting out my first gift guide already?! Not sure where the time has gone! I know October might feel a BIT early for gift guides, but it seems like a lot of you are ready to start shopping for the holidays, so I’m here to serve! I’m kicking things off with ideas for your sister or BFF – one of my favorites to put together…

Gift Guides

Father’s Day Gift Guide

Hey friends! Today I’m sharing a few gift ideas for Father’s Day if you’re still looking for something to celebrate your dad on June 21st. Whenever I’m buying a gift for my dad I always try to think of things he might already have and need more of – like golf balls or cologne – or something new that he would like but wouldn’t think to buy himself like this…

Gift Guides

Last Minute Gifts That’ll Arrive By Christmas Eve

We are less than one week away from Christmas!! Ahh! I’m so excited! Hopefully you’re not stressing out because you still have tons of shopping to do, but if you are, you’re definitely in the right place. Honestly, I’m not done yet and will definitely be placing a few orders after I’m done writing this post. Luckily we have Amazon Prime and a handful of retailers that are amazing and…

Gift Guides

2019 Gift Guide Stocking Stuffers

I can’t believe we’re just over two weeks away from Christmas! Time is seriously flying! It’s a good thing I put together these guides otherwise I’d probably be very behind on my shopping LOL. I love a good stocking stuffer so I knew I wanted to put together a guide on them for those of you that love them just as much as me – in my opinion, stocking stuffers…

Gift Guides

2019 Gift Guide Under $50

How are y’all doing with your holiday shopping? I know we’re getting down to the last few weeks to order online and still get stuff delivered in time so I’m trying to get the rest of my gift guides out to you ASAP! If you want to check out the ones I’ve already shared this year, there’s a “gift guides” tab on my menu bar at the top of the…

Gift Guides

2019 Gift Guide for Your Parents

Parents are some of the hardest people to shop for because it seems like anything they want, they just buy themselves. And now that I’m going to have a mother and father in law I have to think about it x2! But I love gift-giving so I think I’ve always managed to do a pretty good job (or at least I hope so, ha!). ;) When shopping for your own…

Gift Guides

The Best Beauty Gifts Under $50 from Nordstrom

Alright y’all, we’re officially in the craziest shopping week of the year! Feels like it’s been non-stop shopping and curating for weeks now but I’m so happy to hear that a lot of ya’ll have been loving the gift guides. Keeping things going today! I’ve been so excited to put together my first official Beauty Gift Guide of the season because I partnered with Nordstrom to pick out some of…

Gift Guides

2019 Gift Guide for the Cozy Girl

This gift guide makes me want to curl up in front of our fireplace and never leave the house again until it’s above 60 degrees, LOL. But for real I included some of my favorite cozy, let’s-stay-home kind of things. From taking a really great bath to making your bed/pajama situation really warm and comfy to some really great loungewear, if you need a gift for anyone who just wants…

Gift Guides

2019 Gift Guide for Your Guy

Shopping for your guy can be a little tricky – especially if he’s one of those “I don’t need anything” kind of guys. Duncan jokes around that between me and his mom he’ll never have to shop for himself again, which is funny but also kinda true LOL. But if your guy is someone who says he doesn’t need anything or appears to already have everything, I think I found…

Gift Guides

2019 Gift Guide for Your Sister or BFF

My sisters and BFFs are some of my favorite people to shop for because they tend to be the easiest LOL. I try to keep track of things they’ve mentioned to me in passing throughout the year so I can go pick them up or include them in my gift guide for y’all. Is that cheating? If it is, oh well because I think there are some really great gift…

Gift Guides

2019 Gift Guide for Bosses and Coworkers

It’s officially gift guide season!! How crazy is it that I’m making these already?? But ready or not we’re already over a week into November and the holidays are gonna be here in a minute! To get things started, today is all about ideas for your boss and coworkers. These can be very tricky people to shop for because you don’t want it to be too personal (like on Stories…

Gift Guides

15 Amazon Gifts To Snag Before Christmas

Christmas is around the freaking corner guys and there is always one or two gifts that happen to slip my mind…anyone else? There are a lot of amazing deals on right now with Amazon and there is free two, one, or same day shipping on lots of items – so if you are in need of a gift for someone in a pinch, order now! Tech Firestick 4K Bundle – 35%…

Gift Guides

Under $50 Gift Guide

If you have caught any of my blog posts about budgeting during the holidays – this gift guide is my way to help you STICK to that budget. This gift guide is perfect if you have a long list of people to buy presents for and are not trying to break the bank. Each of these gift choices is a high quality option too, so the price is actually a…


Beauty Junkie Gift Guide

Everyone has that gal in their life that is beauty OBSESSED and basically lives in the cosmetics store…yeah? Well if that is you, your mom, your sister or your BFF this gift guide is the perfect place to find all their holiday gifts this season! Lancome Mascara – I am sharing two mascaras because these are very different formulas. This one has a dry formula that is volumizing/thickening as well…