

How to Battle The Comparison Game on Instagram

Social media is not real life. I don’t think that can be said too many times. Can I get an amen? I know I personally need to be reminded of this on the reg. Because even though I KNOW this, I still find myself “falling” for the marketing schemes of fellow digital influencers, which is that things are exactly as they appear. But let’s shed some light on that notion.…


Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Skip A Meal

My life has been pretty hectic lately (traveling was almost the end of me + just life), and I don’t know about y’all, but there are times I have totally forgotten to eat! Which is weird because I love food so freaking much. But sometimes I don’t even notice I’ve skipped a meal until I get hangry or realize I can’t focus at all. I know this is not only…


How to Declutter Your Mind

Y’all may have noticed my random absences from social media or this blog over the past few months. I think I’ve been fairly open about it – the fact that I’m taking a few days away, shutting down tech, whatever – and I’ve gotten so much kind outreach from y’all. That response has really showed me two things 1. Y’all are the freakin’ BEST (truly, I appreciate it so much…


Self Awareness & Why You Should Pay More Attention To Yourself

At its core, self-awareness means understanding your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, and beliefs – and how they impact YOU, your world, and those around you. Sounds great, right? But also a little elusive too. So like, HOW does one become self-aware? And why should you invest in doing so? Well, let’s talk about it. The Importance of Self-Awareness: How do I become more self aware though? Have you ever heard…


4 Signs It’s Time To Slow Your Roll

I know I sound like a broken record, but it’s been way too easy to get overwhelmed these days. I think it was a month-long funk mixed with just feeling pretty blah about work (and life to be honest) for much of June and July. I know that sounds negative (I don’t mean to be – just being honest), but I also think that sometimes when we run ourselves too hard,…


3 Secrets To A Better Morning

As a way to help manage stress better, lately I’ve been working on ways to make my mornings easier. In the past, I’d try to mow through my morning routine - hoping it would fly by while the caffeine from my coffee sank in. I used to spend so much time picking out clothes, preparing food for the day, and even taking an hour (I know) to do my hair. I’ve found some things that have not only helped to make my mornings easier, but actually enjoyable too. I'm never going to be one of the morning people who pop out of bed with the birds singing (slash who is?), but I'm learning to enjoy the process that is mornings. After all, they aren't going anywhere.


How I Take Back Control of My Mind

I’ve been trying really hard to slow down lately. And I don’t necessarily mean slow down in the sense of getting LESS done or doing LESS things - although it sometimes looks that way, or ends up that way. But I’m talking about slowing down my thinking and being more in control of WHERE my mind goes - and for how long it camps out there.


5 Reasons Why Time Spent Alone Is A Good Idea

I don’t know about y’all, but there’s one relationship that always seems to be on the back burner for me - the one with myself. As I've been going through my funk, I've really witnessed this. I’ve gotten pretty good at making friends and family (and of course work) a priority, but I always seem to put myself last. There's just always someone I feel like I need to catch up with, work to focus on, or something else fighting for my attention - that I don't spend too much time solo. Even though I personally REALLY enjoy spending time alone - I just haven't had that luxury lately - or rather, I really haven't made time for it. (you have to actually MAKE it happen! you know?) Anyway, it turns out that there are a ton of benefits to setting aside alone time, so I want to get better at it. \


How to Improve Your Self-Discipline

For some reason, the idea of discipline has always really interested me. There are people who seem to kill the discipline game - those friends that never eat bad food, stick to their calendar exactly, train for a marathon every single day, etc...and then there are the rest of us.


How To Deal With Jealousy And Not Feeling Good Enough

I don’t care how cliche this question is. Im asking it. Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough? Maybe that’s too vague of a question. Do you ever feel like you’re not interesting enough? funny enough? pretty enough? organized enough? like you have nothing to say? Or how about this: Do you ever feel like you have to try 10x harder than “her” to have your life half as much together? Because I do. All the time. And I’m here to tell you that you are not alone.


10 ways to pamper yourself for Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day y’all! Who’s excited? Who’s not? I’ve got mixed feelings about it tbh, but I’m all about having an excuse to celebrate. If you’re not a big fan of V-Day, I outlined 5 steps to making this day a happy one – no matter your status – so be sure to check that out. In that post, I touched on the importance of self-love and pampering yourself – important…


23 Ways to Get Your Act Slash Life Together ASAP

No matter how hard we try to "get our lives together", I'm 200% confident there will always be something that begins to unravel and needs tending to. Right? The struggle to get it together is forever ongoing - a continual work in progress. And this is something we must embrace! But for today, I've got 23 things you can do ASAP to help you take steps forwards to feeling more on top of your game!


How to have your best year yet

As 2017 gears up, I’ve been doing a lot of brainstorming about how to make this year one to remember – and one that feels damn good. I wrote about what I learned in 2016 earlier this week and I clearly grew and learned a lot, but I started thinking more about the components that can lead to 2017 being the best yet – because who doesn’t want to live…


Taking the Road Less Traveled

I’m on my way to NYC today, but wanted to write about some things on my mind since my trip to Washington this past weekend. Unlike many of my recent trips, I spent a lot of time alone with my thoughts adventuring or hiking, which gave my mind plenty of opportunities to wander. For this trip, my friend Hope and I left a lot of margin and flexibility in our schedule/itinerary to…


Dressing for yourself

As a blogger who runs a business on fashion and what I'm wearing, I spend a lot of time thinking about outfits, but I haven't taken much time to stop and think about who I'm dressing for. I guess often times it's for readers/followers or what I think will have a good reaction - and I'm constantly trying to showcase pieces y'all might like or sharing how to put certain items together. But I realized it's fairly rare that I'm dressing for just MYSELF. Simply looking at my closet and asking, "What will make me feel good today?" without any outside influences lingering in the back of my head.