
What I Packed for Aspen

We’ve spent the past week living our best lives in Aspen, and I couldn’t be happier. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a lot of work with two very little kids. But we’re creating some core memories I know I’ll never forget (and I hope they’ll start to remember them too!). I did want to share a peek of what I packed for Aspen while it’s fresh on my mind though.…

Gift Guides

2023 Gift Guide: Last-Minute Gift Ideas

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably got at least a few people left to shop for this Christmas. I do my best to knock out as much as possible while cyber deals are happening, but then I sort of just… forget until we’re a couple of weeks out. Enter panicked Brighton. Whenever we get this close to Christmas, I get super nervous about standard shipping, so I tend to…

Real-life inspiration on what to wear per season or occasion, or how to style an outfit based on what’s already in your closet.

the Outfit Guide

Need Outfit Inspiration? Explore All of Brighton's Looks


Winter Looks I’m Loving Lately

We are in full-on winter mode people. So I wanted to share some winter looks I’m loving lately. These are pieces I really can’t bust out any other time of the year (think sweaters, coats, etc.), so right now, I’ve got the in heavy rotation! For instance, this double face coat is one of my favorite pieces I own (so chic, right?). It’s so well crafted and made from Italian…

November Amazon Best Sellers

November Amazon best sellers are here! These are the items that you purchased the most from Amazon. I get the feeling that a lot of you have already started your holiday shopping, because a lot of these make great holiday gifts. For instance, if you have someone on your list who you just don’t know what to buy, this candle smells AMAZING. The fabric shaver I use at least once…


November Best Sellers

Happy December, friends! We’re officially at the end of 2023 and my mind is blown. We just started the year?? Regardless, it’s also time to look at the November best sellers. These are the pieces that you loved the most (and for good reason). A lot of the items on this month’s best sellers list have been popular for a while now. For instance, the St. Barths Petit Tote Bag is one…


My Weekly Look Recap

I’m back with another weekly look recap. This week included several fun events, including some birthday celebrations (thank you all for the sweet bday wishes!). Now that we’re past Thanksgiving, I’ve also started to incorporate some festive pieces like this red cashmere sweater. Spanx have also been a staple for me lately. Whether I’m dressing up in the hi-rise flare pants or hanging around the house in my favorite AirEssentials…

Gift Guides

2023 Gift Guide: Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Coming up with stocking stuffer ideas is always one of my favorite parts of Christmas. For some reason, I always leave this to last, even though I love it! This year, though, I’m knocking them out early. I always try to find some ideas for my siblings and parents that I know they’ll love. For instance, this set of hand creams is something I know my sisters would use. I…

Gift Guides

2023 Gift Guide: Gifts for the Kids

Maybe my favorite people to shop for during the holidays are my two kiddos. Finding the perfect gifts for the kids is super important to me. There’s truly nothing more special than waking up on Christmas morning and seeing the looks on their faces when they see presents underneath the tree. When it comes to finding gifts for the kids, I like to shop toys that will actually entertain them and…

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