Faith - July 23, 2019
Attributes of God: He is Sovereign
Welcome to WEEK 10 of our Attributes of God study! I can’t believe we are about to wrap up this series! It has been so good for me personally, and I know that it has resonated with a lot of you based on feedback and comments I have gotten! This week we are back in “None Like Him” by Jen Wilkin on chapter 9 to talk about God’s Sovereignty.
If you missed the series introduction post, I announced the Attributes of God series there and explained a little bit about WHY we should care to know more about God and his nature.
So far we’ve covered the following attributes:
- God is Infinite
- God is Self-Sufficient
- God is Self-Existent
- God is Incomprehensible
- God is Eternal
- God is Immutable
- God is Omnipresent
- God is Omniscient
- God is Omnipotent
Attributes of God Week 10: God is Sovereign
We have hit the last week of our Attributes of God series! If you are just now tuning in, we have made our way through the book “None Like Him” by Jen Wilkin, exploring ten of the most important attributes that are unique to God alone. We are wrapping up the series with God’s SOVEREIGNTY. This word basically means that God is in control. It can sometimes be really hard to trust that God is in control, but hopefully after studying up on all the attributes of God in this series it is a little easier for us to see that God is the most trustworthy choice to give control of our life to. Let’s dive into this recap and you’ll see what I mean!
Rule my world
In the spirit of full transparency, I want to rule my world. I want the power, glory, and all the control. I feel pretty confident that if we all take a close look at our lives, I’m not the only one. Our human nature wants to rule and reign, but friend, only one is worthy of ruling and reigning over our lives and that is GOD. My hope is that through studying the attributes of God it has become clear to you that God is not only the only one that is worthy, but the only one who is qualified to rule because He has no limitations, but is also infinitely good and loving so we know His authority will reflect that in our lives as well.
Free will and a sovereign God
It’s a little perplexing to my mind sometimes that God is completely in control over all things, but also gives us choices. He looks down upon us and sees how crazy we are being and knows what’s best, but while He is in control of everything He isn’t controlling. Any relationship you have has probably not grown in depth and trust if the other person is trying to control every move you make and so the same is true with God. He is always inviting us into a relationship with him, not manipulating us into one. While he holds the whole world in His hands and can command the wind to go wherever He wishes and tells the waves to cease, He wants us to respond to His invitation to a relationship with Him from our own free will. God wants us to bring our lives to Him and submit them to His authority because we see His goodness and trust Him to rule over our lives knowing He works everything together for our good.
Stewardship or control?
Each day God invites us to submit what He has undeservedly given us back to Him so that He can teach us how to steward it. He has given us a body, family, money, relationships, jobs, giftings, and much more to steward. When submit these to Him, He teaches us how to use them for the good of those around us which brings Him glory. Yet, when we ignore this invitation and look to ourselves, we control, grasp, and manage them for our own glory and often at the expense of other people. It’s really hard to love God and love people when we are loving ourselves and our stuff. Wake up each day knowing the invitation is there and God is inviting you to be connected with Him, so let Him reign sovereignly over each day and watch what He does with your life!
What you have control over
We do have control over a few things, though. Jen points out in this chapter that we have power over our thoughts, which allows us to control our attitude, which affects our words and our actions. With the help of the Holy Spirit, if we can submit these areas to God each day and acknowledge that He is trustworthy and qualified to rule over them then we will be off to a pretty great start!
Where do you find yourself wanting to take control the most? Does that fact that God is sovereign bring you comfort?
Verses for Meditation
There is a section at the end of each chapter which includes verses for mediation I am going to include below that I hope you find helpful.
Job 23:13
Psalm 33:11
Psalm 115:3
Isaiah 14:24
Daniel 4:35
Romans 9:14-21
Tech Background To Reflect Throughout The Week
Since we’re doing this study week by week, I thought it would be fun to add in a little extra value for those of you joining me in this study. I wanted to make these backgrounds for you to put on your phone so that you could think about, pray, and meditate on God’s sovereign nature throughout the week.
Here are 3 options. Click on the text hyperlink below this image to download the full resolution.
Click to Download
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