Faith - May 14, 2019
Attributes of God: He Is Infinite
God is Infinite. Which means he has absolutely ZERO limitations. Have you ever thought about what this means? I know that until recently I certainly haven’t. But as I’ve been praying and reflecting over this concept over the past week, I’ve really come to appreciate and be dumbfounded by the fact that our God is an infinite God.
I may not always consciously realize it, but I basically *try* to operate under the *illusion* that I too don’t have any limitations. For instance, I put too much on my plate, trying to accomplish way more than my energy and focus capacities allow. In my head it sounds like a great idea, but the reality is that I’m not the limitless human that I often think I am. Or I operate under the illusion that I don’t need sleep and continue to operate at a high level without it. But I always learn the hard way that I do in fact need 7-8 hours of sleep just like every other human being on the planet.
Needless to say, I feel my limitations daily. I’m limited by the amount of time I have in a day to get things done, my body only lets me go so hard for a certain amount of time before it needs rest, and I can only be in one space at one time no matter how I try to multiply my efforts. I’m LIMITED and I feel the frustration around my limitations often.
The Attributes of God Series
If you missed last week’s post, I announced the Attributes of God series there. But for a quick recap, over the next several weeks, we’re going to be discussing the incommunicable attributes of God in the order that they’re presented in Jen Wilkin’s book, None Like Him.
The first attribute we’re discussing is that God is Infinite. I’m going to recap Chapter One of the book and open the topic up for y’all to comment as well. I’ve never really done anything like this, but I’m hoping to have a little online bible/book study. I’ll also be posting on my Instagram tonight at 7 PM and would love for you to comment on that post and interact with each other there!
God is Infinite: He Has No Limits
We are the measuring type.
If you’re keeping up in the book with me, you’ll notice one of the first thing Jen points out at the start of this chapter is how measurable we are as humans, but also how dependent we are on measuring everything around us.
We track calories, obsess over likes, plan around clocks and calendars, and the list goes on. We also measure the people around us and assess with our own personal measurement systems their strengths and weaknesses so we can determine how we interact and what we expect from them.
As we depend so heavily on these systems of measurement and find a sense of comfort and control in them, it only makes sense for us to easily attempt to measure God.
But how do you measure the God of no limits? You don’t.
To Reflect or Rival?
When confronted with the dilemma of how to measure an immeasurable God, we as humans usually do one of two things: We try to become like Him OR we worship Him.
I would love to say my default is the worship option, but most often I find myself trying to mimic his unlimited ways with my limited resources. When we are trusting ourselves above God, we don’t like the boundary lines of our limitations.
We want to RIVAL Him by trying to live out character attributes that are only true of Him and we fail miserably. God has given us a way to REFLECT who He is through the communicable attributes (link blog post from last week).
When we obey and trust Him, we can operate within the limitations of our humanity while being able to reflect a divine, limitless God to those around us.
Your limitations create freedom and worship and here’s why.
What we often forget is that our limitations are a good thing. And I am learning this OVER and OVER again personally in my life.
It can be so easy to buy into the lie that we are limitless. And then we can also expect the same (limitlessness) of those around us too. But doing so leads us into frustrating places with ourselves and others when we have these expectations.
You and I are limited and that is OKAY.
God created us with limitations so when we reach the edge of those limits, we look to Him and trust He can provide what we cannot.
THIS should create freedom and worship within us as we learn to reflect and not rival a dependable, trustworthy God who wants to provide for us according to what He thinks is best.
Jen states, “Our limits teach us to fear the Lord.” So let your limits be your teacher, not your accuser.
Verses for Meditation.
There is a section at the end of each chapter which includes verses for mediation I am going to include below that I hope you find helpful.
- 1 Kings 8:27
- Job 11:7-9
- Psalm 119:96
- Psalm 145:3
- Isaiah 40:12-13
- Romans 11:33
Tech Background To Reflect Throughout The Week
Since we’re doing this study week by week, I thought it would be fun to add in a little extra value for those of you joining me in this study. I wanted to make these backgrounds for you to put on your phone so that you could think a bout, pray, and meditate on God’s infinite nature throughout the week.
Here are 3 options. Click on the text hyperlink below this image to download the full resolution.
Click to Download:
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