Faith - July 2, 2019
Attributes of God: He is Omnipresent
Welcome back to the Attributes RECAP! We have been making our way through Jen Wilkin’s book “None Like Him” and diving in week by week to the some of the main (incommunicable) attributes of God. If you missed the series introduction post, I announced the Attributes of God series there and explained a little bit about WHY we should care to know more about God and his nature.
So far we’ve covered the following attributes:
- God is Infinite
- God is Self-Sufficient
- God is Self-Existent
- God is Incomprehensible
- God is Eternal
- God is Immutable
This week the attribute we have been looking at is the chapter about God’s Omnipresence.
Attributes of God Week 7: God is Omnipresent
What this basically means is God is everywhere all at once. Do you ever find yourself trying to be in more than one place at the same time? I have definitely tried, and it’s SUPER hard. It’s not hard for God though! Let’s recap some really great points Jen makes in this book about God’s omnipresence and our not so successful attempts at trying to be everywhere at once.
God is unbound
God does not have a physical structure like we do limiting His ability to be in more than one place. In fact, God isn’t just in more than one place – He is in all places at the same time. He is not only everywhere right now in this moment, but He is also present in the past and in the future. Think on that for a minute!
He’s not only present, He is FULLY present. He is not divided or spread thin like we can be, He is all in with you. That can be a difficult truth to wrap our minds around when we think about how many people are in the world. How is He fully present with all of them? He’s God and we are not.
Resisting Limits
Unlike God, we are bound by our body. Our body can only physically be in one place in one time. Our mind functions best when we are present with one thing at a time. Yet, we buck against this way that God has designed us on a daily basis. With the advances in technology and the ever-increasing consumption of social media, we trick ourselves to believing we can and should be present in more than one place at the same time.
We resist our limitations because we don’t want to miss something, but yet feel the tension in our limits each time we try to resist them. When we try to be in two places at once mentally or physically we spread ourselves thin and our affections and care become divided leaving us present nowhere.
Trusting God and honoring His design frees us up to be fully present wherever we are and trusting He has something specific for us in that moment in time. We can give the people in front of us all that God has given us to offer them when we are fully present. One of the most impacting ways to minister to people is through the ministry of being present. When we trust God and honor our limitations, it allows the ministry of presence to be activated in our lives with the places and people around us.
You are not alone
What I love about this attribute is it reminds me I am never alone and I can anchor myself to that truth. Life can be challenging and there are definitely days when it feels like you’re all alone in the middle of it all, but we are not.
We don’t even have to catch him up on our latest news because He was there for it all. He is Emmanuel – GOD WITH US – and He is with us in it all. He is with us in our joy and our sorry and is fully present in all of it. Does that comfort you?
I will note that when I say He is present in ALL…I mean ALL. When we think we are hiding our sins from others successfully – He is present. That doesn’t mean we won’t sin, but it should make us more mindful.
When we do sin, we can go to Him in confession and repentance. That can seem silly since He already knows, but it is a process of acknowledging our sin before Him to bring it into full exposure knowing He readily forgives.
It is not helpful for us to acknowledge that He is present everywhere, but live as if He is not. Nothing is hidden from Him, and to be fully known AND loved in this way is truly one of the greatest gifts ever.
How do you try to be omnipresent like God in your own life?
How can you better practice the “ministry of presence” with the people and in the places God has placed you in?
Tech Background To Reflect Throughout The Week
Since we’re doing this study week by week, I thought it would be fun to add in a little extra value for those of you joining me in this study. I wanted to make these backgrounds for you to put on your phone so that you could think about, pray, and meditate on God’s omnipresent nature throughout the week.
Here are 3 options. Click on the text hyperlink below this image to download the full resolution.
Click to Download
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