Faith - May 21, 2019
Attributes of God: He is Incomprehensible
We are in the second week of a current series we are doing here on BTD and I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing it has been for me to spend time dwelling on the infinite nature of God!
I felt so much permission this week to be ok with my limitations and lean into God, knowing He has none. I wrote a little bit about it in this instagram post yesterday if you missed it.
We are continuing on in “None Like Him” by Jen Wilkin this week and looking at God’s INCOMPREHENSIBLE nature. If you missed last week, I encourage you to catch up by reading that post and watching my stories where I discuss it more!
I’m excited to chat about what I’ve learned with you guys so let’s dive in!
The Attributes of God Series
If you missed the series introduction post, I announced the Attributes of God series there and explained a little bit about WHY we should care to know more about God and his nature. But for a quick recap, over the next several weeks, we’re going to be discussing the incommunicable attributes of God in the order that they’re presented in Jen Wilkin’s book, None Like Him.
God is Incomprehensible
He is a God of infinite mystery.
The Mysteries of God
God will always hold some mystery for us because an unlimited God cannot be fully known by a limited being.
Wait, what??! Don’t worry, He is still KNOWABLE to us.
He gives us the knowledge we need to be sufficiently known by His people, but there will always be something new to learn about God if we spend our days here on earth seeking Him out.
Often I can think I have Him all figured out, but this attribute reminds me that will never be the case and I can’t help but be left in AWE by it! To think that I have the opportunity to learn something new about God each day feels like an exciting challenge to me.
You will always find treasure
If someone invited you on a treasure hunt and guaranteed you would only find valued treasure, you would definitely participate, RIGHT? That is what it is like to pursue a knowledge of God.
Each thing you learn about him will only be good and will only bring us “pleasure and assurance” as Jen says in this chapter.
The knowledge of people may disappoint us, but the knowledge of God will never disappoint us. I don’t know about you, but I find this truth incredibly comforting. In a world full of difficulty and disappointment, this feels like a little burst of light I can always count on!
Who is the expert?
I often TOTALLY think I’m the expert on me. But Jeremiah begs to differ when he says “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?”(Jeremiah 17:9)
If I can’t know myself fully then I probably can’t know my neighbor fully either. But you know who is an expert on both of us?
GOD. He is the only expert on Him, me, you, and everyone in between. We can trust Him, we can run to Him with our questions, we can ask for His help because He is the expert. I hope this makes you want to lean into Him more and more because I sure do.
What does all this mean?
If you want to see and know yourself more clearly, seek to know God. We cannot know ourselves and have a right perspective apart from knowing Him. As you seek to know him, you will learn to trust his extensive knowledge of himself, you, and others. You can trust His plans because He sees what you cannot. His ways are better than your ways because He has expert knowledge on….WELL EVERYTHING!
Verses for Meditation
There is a section at the end of each chapter which includes verses for mediation I am going to include below that I hope you find helpful.
- Job 11:7-9
- Psalm 147:5
- Romans 11: 33-35
- Psalm 145:3
Tech Background To Reflect Throughout The Week
Since we’re doing this study week by week, I thought it would be fun to add in a little extra value for those of you joining me in this study. I wanted to make these backgrounds for you to put on your phone so that you could think a bout, pray, and meditate on God’s infinite nature throughout the week.
Here are 3 options. Click on the text hyperlink below this image to download the full resolution.
Click to Download:
Ponder As Your Wander This Week:
How does acknowledging our limited understanding affect the way you interact with God and others?
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