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Self Awareness & Why You Should Pay More Attention To Yourself

At its core, self-awareness means understanding your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, and beliefs – and how they impact YOU, your world, and those around you. Sounds great, right? But also a little elusive too. So like, HOW does one become self-aware? And why should you invest in doing so? Well, let’s talk about it. The Importance of Self-Awareness: How do I become more self aware though? Have you ever heard…


10 Fall 2017 Trends I’ll Be Wearing

Oh em gee y’all! I’m feeling a RE-newed sense of excitement for fall fashion and in a whole different way than ever before! I’ve always been the BIGGEST fan of fall clothing, but this year I’m really excited to venture outside my personal comfort zone and probably YOURS too! In regards to fashion, my mindset on my blog has always been to color inside the lines. Wear what’s easy, what…


4 Qualities That Make Up a Girl Boss

The term “girl boss” has become somewhat of a buzzword, but behind all the fuss, I’m all about what it stands for. There are so many great women out there killing it every day in whatever it is they’re pursuing and its really inspiring and motivating. I love to surround myself with ladies like this and hope their vibe will rub off on me – keeping me focused and willing…


5 Timeless Jewelry Pieces to Elevate an Outfit

I've always loved jewels. Even as a little girl, I can remember trying on my mama's stuff, alongside my sisters, and pretending we were going somewhere fabulous. Anyone else do this? There's just something fun and girly about blinging yourself out, ya know? And even though I do love me some flashy jewelry when the occasion calls for it, I'm much more of a classic jewelry kinda gal. Especially as a fashion blogger and when trying to put together outfits for y'all, I don't feel finished until I have at least one piece of jewelry on (and lipstick). Classic pieces can add so much without trying hard, and I enjoy that classy-effortless feel they bring to whatever I'm wearing.


Things I’m feeling and Thinking

I used to be a lot more willy nilly with my content. I didn’t have an editorial calendar and if I did, I sure didn’t stick to it. I barely did any planning, ever. I just flew by the seat of my pants. I barely knew what I was going to write about the next day much less next Tuesday. But in the past year or so, I’ve really gotten my…


How to Network When you Don’t Know Anyone

Raise your hand if the thought of walking into an event where you don't know a soul gives you major anxiety. (Raising my hand over here, or at least kinda.) As a blogger and someone who is put in pretty awkward/small-talk situations often, this was something that really, really stressed me out - and still does sometimes, before I talk myself out of it. I used to just not go if I couldn't bring Lisel or if someone I knew wasn't going to be there, which, quite honestly, isn't good for business. And as an adult, I wanted to conquer this fear of being a "loner" or "awkward" with a room of strangers.


8 Spring 2017 Trends I’m Excited About

     With temps starting to (finally!) rise and all the fresh arrivals online and in store, I’ve got all things SPRING on my mind. It’s always about this time each year when I’m SO over Winter and do a happy dance each time the sun comes out :) As such, I’ve been getting super excited about all the new Spring “looks” and trends to try out this year. I’m…

How To Wear

How to Wear Black Jeans: 30+ Outfit Ideas

I’ve been procrastinating on this blog post for weeks now (ever since I initially announced I was going to do a black jeans round up/style guide) mostly because figuring out just how to answer “what to wear with black jeans” is a difficult task to tackle. Black jeans are some of the most versatile wardrobe items you can own and can easily be worn hundreds of ways. Needless to say, it’s a…


Backstage at NYFW with Mary Kay

I was more than honored to work with leading beauty brand, Mary Kay, this year for fashion week. I wasn’t originally planning on going to NYFW this season (Feb is just too stinkin’ cold) but the opportunity with MK was too fun to pass up. Plus, I’d just started using their moisturizer after a friend lent it to me and have been eager to learn more about the brand and…


Recently on Instagram

Hello hello! I don’t have much time this morning – about to jet off to some meetings – but I wanted to pop in and say a quick HOLA before popping this up on the blog. It’s been a VERY work-FREE weekend and I’ve really enjoyed it. I spent the past few days in Austin attending the IF Gathering, which I hope you go to see my little mini recap…


Loving The Athleisure Wear Trend

I don’t know about you, but I am SUCH a fan of this oh-so-hot athleisure trend that’s been taking over the fashion world as of late. As someone who works from home, I’m always looking for an excuse to get away with wearing any form of comfy workout clothes IRL (in real life – ha!) aka outside of actually working out. So I wanted to dedicate a post to chatting with…


The Best-Fitting Bootcut Work Pant

A little over 4 years ago, I was interning as a CPA and just starting to venture out into the business world, slowly but surely building my work wear attire. I was new to the dry-cleaning game, as I'd never really had reason to go to the dry cleaner more than 3x a year (maybe!) before starting to work. After making 3 trips to the dry cleaners in my first 2 weeks of work, I decided I'd need to have more than 3 pairs of pants to get me through the summer. I already had a few pairs of skinny ones, so I was specifically thinking of something just as flattering but that gave my wardrobe a little versatility - like a boot cut, flare, or even somewhere in between a skinny and boot cut. Whatever the case, I wanted a pair that went OVER my shoes.


Wearing White After Labor Day

Can You Wear White After Labor Day? In short, YES – absolutely! You can for sure wear white after labor day. I’ve always found the rule “no white after labor day” to be dumb slash silly and totally unnecessary. No but really, who decided that wearing white after labor day was a faux pas? I mean, I guess it sort of makes sense in some circumstances (like white lace and super…


Taking the Road Less Traveled

I’m on my way to NYC today, but wanted to write about some things on my mind since my trip to Washington this past weekend. Unlike many of my recent trips, I spent a lot of time alone with my thoughts adventuring or hiking, which gave my mind plenty of opportunities to wander. For this trip, my friend Hope and I left a lot of margin and flexibility in our schedule/itinerary to…


Currently Studying

I want to talk about my faith more - I feel like I say this ALL the time, but I really do mean it when I say that I want to share more of my faith on my blog. I think the main thing that keeps me from sharing is the act of actually sitting down and writing - it's so hard to make myself do that. And then on top of this, I feel pressure to perform. In other words, I feel like if I'm going to write something about my faith, it better be good and worth reading.


When Sharing Becomes a Burden

Over the past few months, I’ve been trying to figure out how to do my job well. And that’s been QUITE the journey – in many ways. One thing I’ve been trying to figure out is how to separate my personal (especially pertaining to my faith) from my professional life – learning where to draw that line and what I’m comfortable with. And hey, maybe I’ll never figure it out…


The Blanket Poncho

Hi there! Good morning and happy thanksgiving eve :) I hope you’re all having an awesome week so far (#cheers to 3 day work week! although not so much for me…but I’m happy to be at your service during this hectic time). Today I’m featuring a trend you’ve probably seen just about everywhere lately – the blanket poncho. Or maybe you’re like me and had no idea that’s what they…


Thoughts inspired by David Platt’s Book, Follow Me

I’ve been reading Follow Me by David Platt. And Wow. It’s rocking my world. But not in the feel-good way that you might presume. Rather, in a way that leaves me eagerly and wholeheartedly chasing (sprinting) after Christ. Specifically, over the past few weeks, I’ve been spending hours (and craving more) of my free time reading and studying his Word. This is not normal. Yes, I have my daily quiet time.…