
Let’s Chat

You all know I love writing this blog, right? I love to update it as often as possible (it’s more exciting that way!) and it really is nice to have a creative outlet. I could go on and on about how much I love it, but at the end of the day, aside from helping to promote my mom’s business, I write this blog for you guys. My hopes are…



[Warning: just wanted to give you fashion-lovers a heads up this post isn’t fashion-related at all – whatsoever. It’s just a random rambling of my current thoughts/experience. Post #2 will be up soon and will cater more to your interests! :)] Do you ever have so many things to say that you just don’t even know where to start? Like, your mind is just brimming with thoughts and you’re so…


Guard Your Heart

  I try to be careful with what I expose myself to and what I “put” into my mind. Kind of like a censoring of sorts…but, self imposed. Why? because I realize and know from experience that I am a product of my environment and am influenced by the things I see/hear/read. And this could mean anything from friends to co-workers to what TV shows I watch and even to…


typography Tuesday

I’m a sucker for philosophy, so I of course love the Nietzsche quote. (which explains why you might see the occasional quote by Hume, Socrates, Thoreau etc….) But the image/quote that I want to mention is the last one: the poem by Shel Silverstein. Remember those books? They’re great. So simple and so telling. Like the poem conveys, it’s important to remember that YOU know yourself better than anyone else.…


Typography Tuesday: Spotlight on Note to Self

Sarah from Note to Self blog is probably one of the most talented people I know of on the inter-webs. I absolutely LOVE visiting her blog and seeing what she has to say or has recently put together. I must admit that the clean, simple, and beautiful aesthetic (because who doesn’t like to look at pretty things?)  might be one of the main reasons why I keep going back for me,…