Other - July 25, 2012


quote about respecting yourself
the first step towards getting somewhere
if you dont want anyone to find out
a quote by president monson
doing little things for others

[Warning: just wanted to give you fashion-lovers a heads up this post isn’t fashion-related at all – whatsoever. It’s just a random rambling of my current thoughts/experience. Post #2 will be up soon and will cater more to your interests! :)]

Do you ever have so many things to say that you just don’t even know where to start? Like, your mind is just brimming with thoughts and you’re so worked up that you begin over-thinking things and jumping to conclusions?

Of course, I think “this feeling” could apply in a number of situations and I’m sure that everyone could relate on some level or another (or at least, I hope it’s not just me!?). And just to make sure you’re on track with me, this feeling isn’t particularly positive or fun either. It usually comes about when I learn or hear something unpleasant that is hard for me to believe: an anomaly of sorts that contradicts my expectations and reality/life as I know it.

Anyway, I get like “that” from time to time, and I can’t say I’m a big fan of the experience. It’s both overwhelming and confusing because there’s just too much going on to really digest what’s really getting to you – the underlying issue. Or sometimes, the situation is just so complicated–and often polluted with rather dissonant details–that an explicit diagnosis is impalpable. Is anyone with me here? haha. So, if you haven’t noticed, I’m in “one of those moods” – just bare with me….that is, if you’re still interested!

Anyway, I’ve discovered a few things that weren’t exactly ‘music to my ears’, to put it nicely. I know everyone says things they don’t mean and that people are always going to talk, but when I hear or read such things, I usually want to defend myself. I can’t help it. Can I take criticism? Of course! Is it hard for me? (duh!) But at the end of the day, I appreciate criticism and actually enjoy it when it’s constructive. I like to think that I can own up to my flaws and weaknesses. Actually, I think that learning how to “take” criticism is actually one of the keys to success and a stepping stone in the long and difficult path of becoming a (relatively) mature adult. Do I consider myself to have reached this point in my life? hah! Absolutely Not. Nowhere near!

When I consider my own personal characteristics and am truly honest with myself, It’s pretty peculiar to me that I decided to start a blog. Like, what?! Yea. Sometimes it’s still hard for me to grasp that fact! But ok, moving forward… So, having a blog means putting things on the internet for the whole world to see. And further, since pretty much everyone has access to the internet, it’s essentially just another way for people to form an opinion of me. That is, in addition to all the other Generation Z (or Y, depending on how technical you are) media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

And although I do try and make sure that my purpose and intents are clearly evident or somehow manifested through my content in one way or another, there are always going to be those people who will make their own judgements. Duh. Fact of life. Right? Although hearing such comments was not the main impetus for writing this post, I do want to say that these comments in particular frustrated me. I hope you all know by now that I do not run this blog for any other reason than those listed and explained in my about me page.

Yes, I do make commission on certain affiliated links and advertisements, but I would never put something on this blog just to make money. I just wanted to say that – plain and clear. So the main thing I wanted to do in this post (besides presenting a fairly relatable experience) was to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to those of you who are loyal and actually read my posts, rather than jumping to conclusions on what I am or what I’m about. I just wanted to say that you guys are the BEST, and as always, I absolutely LOVE hearing from you all. Thank you so much. YOU all have become the fuel that keeps BrightonTheDay chugging along (besides Dee Keller Design, of course). I just wanted you to know that! Ok enough. end rant.