Other - October 5, 2012

Let’s Chat

macaroons and lattee
arm party working with laptop

You all know I love writing this blog, right? I love to update it as often as possible (it’s more exciting that way!) and it really is nice to have a creative outlet. I could go on and on about how much I love it, but at the end of the day, aside from helping to promote my mom’s business, I write this blog for you guys. My hopes are that the hard work and energy I pour into BTD will inspire, entertain, motivate, or [insert other verb here] you in some way or another.

I’m trying to stay on topic here and my mind/thoughts is making that very difficult. Part of me wants to go on a tangent about how comparison is the ultimate thief of joy, but I’m going to stick to my guns on this post and get straight to the point, which is to ask YOU why you keep coming back to BTD?

The blogging world is completely saturated (if not over-saturated) with thousands (millions?) of bloggers who do exactly what I do on a daily basis. So it makes me question how on earth I can make BTD bring something different to the table when there’s much more professional, established (and talented!) fish in the sea (trying to keep the tone light here!). It’s only human nature for me to want BTD to do well. Right? And even more so, I want BTD to continue to grow so that more people will be aware of the Dee Keller Design brand. But sheesh, growing an audience is hard. In fact, 99% of the time, I feel pretty hopeless when it comes to thinking I’ll actually “make it” amongst the masses. You know? So all I can do is try my very best to stay positive and keep doing what I’m doing in hopes that I will be able to eventually figure it out. But for now, I’m recruiting YOUR help.

If you don’t feel comfortable commenting, feel free to email me!

So tell me, lovelies….

Why do you like reading this blog?

What would you like to see more of?

How can I make BTD better?

How can I spread the word and reach more people?

any feedback would be great! I’m looking forward to hearing form you all :)

xoxo, B