

Outfits Getting Me Through 2nd Trimester

As I navigate my way through my second trimester, one of the trickiest things for me has been finding things to wear that I feel good in. Seems like a simple problem, but at this point, my body is just in an unrecognizable place for me and getting dressed has been a stressor. It’s like my bump is definitely visible, but I also feel like I’m that awkward stage where I’m…


We’re Pregnant! + Pregnancy Q&A

Hi friends! If you follow me on Instagram that you probably already know, but Duncan and I are having a baby! And we are over the moon excited! I’m 16 weeks today (crazy!), so we are really starting to get pumped as we’re almost halfway there! I shared some of our announcement photos on instagram but wanted to have a more permanent home for them on my blog. I went…


The Prenatal Vitamins I’m Taking

Despite all the books I tried to read or was told I needed to read (etc. etc.), I still leaned on the simple, comforting advice that as long as I was taking a good prenatal, I was doing OK. There are so many books about all the things you should or could be doing to have a healthy pregnancy – food to eat, food not to eat, exercise to do…