Wedding - March 5, 2020

All About Our Wedding Ceremony

brighton butler wedding ceremony, wooden cross

I’ve shared this with y’all before, but the ceremony was the most important part to me and Duncan and we wanted it to be extra special and meaningful. Of course we were excited about the celebration, but the ceremony is what we looked forward to the *most* that weekend!

That being said, we put a lot of thought into the music especially and order of events that went on during that time. And I’m happy to report that we were both SO pleased with how everything went and couldn’t have asked for a better result. It was PERFECT! I just wish I could live those 30-ish minutes again! I’m so glad we got a videographer – if you’re planning a wedding, I highly recommend! Pictures can only do so much when it comes to reliving the moment.

Even though the ceremony was the *most* important part for me and Duncan, I waited until the last minute (literally 3 weeks before) to figure out the run of show and select music. Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted an outside ceremony. Don’t get me wrong, I love weddings in churches and there’s something so special about them. But something about having a non-traditional wedding outside just spoke to my heart and that’s how I always imagined my wedding to be.

I knew I wanted non-traditional music and that I wanted to walk down the aisle to a contemporary song that I knew really well – one that made me *feel* something, particularly worshipful. So I made a list of all the worship songs I loved – ones that felt powerful and that I never get sick of. Oh, and ones with powerful lyrics, of course. I shared the list with Duncan and he felt the same way about all of these songs. Each of these give both of us goosebumps, so I knew we were off to a good start!

After many hours of listening to all the songs, I finally decided on the final ones I wanted to go with.

Our Wedding Ceremony Schedule

Prelude – How Great Thou Art sung by Stephanie Toups

Seating of the Family – strings by Barton Strings

Processional – 10,000 Reasons sung by Jimmy McNeal

Call to Worship + Invitation to sing In Christ Alone (sung by Jimmy McNeal)

Questions of Intent

Presentation of the Bride

Scripture Readings

Exchange of Vows

Exchange of Rings


Solo Hymn – Come Thou Fount by Jimmy McNeal*

Pronouncement of Marriage

The Introduction

The Recessional – Come and Get Your Love by Redbone**

*Duncan and I both LOVE this song, so we thought it would be perfect for right after we exchange vows for a little time of meditation and prayer

**We thought it’d be fun to play a song after it’s all said and done that we both love and makes us want to skip and dance a little! This was one of our favorite parts because we love this song so so much! And it set the tone for a really run reception and celebration to follow!

brighton and duncan butler wedding standing at alter with wooden cross
brighotn butler wedding ceremony details

Since our wedding was in January, we had little pashminas for the guests to drape over their shoulders. Our greeters handed these out with the programs!

brighton butler wedding ceremony programs
brighton butler wedding ceremony omni barton creek
brighton butler wedding ceremony
brighton butler wedding ceremony
brighton butler wedding ceremony jimmy mcneal

Jimmy McNeal of Austin Stone sung the song I walked down to the aisle to (10,000 reasons) and then he sang Come Thou Fount during the ceremony. It was so beautiful!

brighton butler wedding ceremony bridesmaids dresses and stoles
brighton butler wedding ceremony bridesmaids dresses and faux fur stoles
brighton butler wedding ceremony wooden cross
brighton butler wedding ceremony - The Recessional - Come and Get Your Love by Redbone
brighton butler wedding ceremony end of aisle kiss
brighton butler wedding ceremony omni barton creek