

How To Pull Off Beach Makeup

Swimsuit I’m wearing above:: La Blanca Spruce it Up Twist Front Suit Hey y’all! I’m currently in Rosemary Beach, FL with my fam, so this post seemed fitting – been wanting to write it for a while. I wanted to share my tips and products for pulling off a beach makeup look – without trying to hard or spending an hour on your face. In general, when it comes to…


What You Need To Know About Your Makeup Brushes

Having a variety of quality makeup brushes is sooo important for your beauty routine. Agreed? You’d be surprised at how different brushes can change the way your makeup is applied - and in the end, how you look! Here are some of the most common makeup brushes - and everything you need to know about using and caring for them:


How to Make Your Makeup Last All Day

Hi y'all! Today, I want to talk about makeup. More specifically, getting it to actually last. Because there's nothing worse than spending a bunch of time on a serious face of makeup only to find it completely missing a couple hours later. Right?? Ughh, the struggle is real. Also, the post on getting curls to stay had great feedback from y'all, so I thought doing a similar post - but this time on long-lasting makeup tips - would be fun.


How to perfect the ‘no-makeup’ makeup look

While I’m just speaking from my own experience, I think by the time women are in their twenties, they have more than mastered their go-to night out look. Dark eyes, red lips, cat eyes, pink lips…whatever it may be, we’ve got the routine down. Am I right? And maybe it’s age – or laziness? – or both, but the look I’ve really been trying to master lately is wearing makeup,…


The Best Face Highlighters

Consider me FULLY aboard the shimmer train. I’m ALL about that-no-sun-glow look, friends! And if you’re into looking effortlessly fabulous (um, who isn’t?!), then you’ll probably appreciate this here little round up of the best of the best face highlighters to give you a radiant shimmer, giving your face that real-life instagram filter look. Between smokey eye disasters and major contouring #fails (more on that to come!), I’ve found my “happy place” in the trendy new…


Everyday Makeup Routine

Last week, I spontaneously decided to share my everyday morning makeup routine on Shapchat. And it got such a positive reaction from you all, with so many follow up questions, that I decided I needed to convert the information I shared into a blog post. And plus, many of you asked that I create a blog post on it too! So here we go - I'm going to do my best to explain everything like I did on snapchat, but as always let me know if you had any specific questions!


Six Spring Lip Colors To Try

Today I’m doing something a little different yet hopefully not too unexpected. Can you tell I’ve been trying really hard to incorporate other types of content? You all have been providing feedback and I’ve been listening! Anyway today I’m sharing my favorite lip colors for spring. Putting this post together was both fun and a little difficult and definitely out of my comfort zone. Outfit posts are easy for me. Like…


favorite everyday makeup products

I've been wanting to do a post on my current favorite everyday makeup products round-up for ages, detailing all my go-to products at the moment. I'm so glad I finally sat down and got this done! Let me know if you have any questions and I'd love to hear if you have any thoughts or experiences with these products listed - please do weigh in via the comments below!