Spring - April 7, 2022

5 Dresses I Just Bought (That You’ll Want Too)

brighton butler wearing farm rio dress

I feel like a broken record, but I honestly can’t get enough of spring dresses right now. Farm Rio has become one of my go-to brands when searching for fun, colorful dresses that feel different than others.

I don’t know how to describe it, but these dresses make me feel like I’m on a beach vacation. They’ve got such playful prints and I love getting to add fun accessories like this purple Chanel bag or these bright orange heels with them.

I shared this belted mini dress on Instagram recently and you guys went crazy for it, so I decided it deserved a spot on the blog — then I realized I have a handful of other Farm Rio dresses that I’ve been dying to share with y’all.

So without further adieu, here are the 5 Farm Rio dresses (okay, and ONE maxi skirt I couldn’t resist!) that I highly recommend adding to your spring and summer wardrobe! Whether you’ve got a beach vacation planned or you’re just looking for a fun way to spice up your closet, you can’t go wrong with any of these.


Outfit Details (image above): Farm Rio Dress // Sandals // Bag // Sunglasses // Bracelets (here and here) // Earrings

Brighton Butler wearing Farm rio banana dress with cult gaia bag and orange sandals

Outfit Details: Dress (wearing size XS) // Shoes // Bag // Sunglasses //Earrings

Brighton butler wearing farm rio rainbow skirt

Outfit Details: Maxi Skirt (wearing size XS) // Top // Shoes // Bag // Earrings

Brighton Butler wearing farm rio maxi skirt

Outfit Details: Dress (wearing size XS) // Shoes // Bag // Earrings

Brighton Butler wearing purple farm rio with purple chanel and orange shoes

Outfit Details: Dress (wearing size XS) // Shoes // Bag // Earrings

brighton butler wearing farm rio dress
brighton butler wearing farm rio dress
brighton butler wearing farm rio dress
brighton butler wearing farm rio dress