
Follow The Light

Follow the light — an imperative, simple phrase that is both inspiring and convicting at the same time. This simple demand could mean a number of things to you, depending on where you are in your life, your faith, and your overall perspective of the world. But I’ve only ever known (or valued) one meaning of what it means to live in the light. And it has nothing to do…


Joy & Gratitude

Photo credit: Isabel Lucas for GLAMOUR magazine 2009 // typography by brightontheday I’ve come to realization that gratitude is not just a feeling, but a way of life. To lead a life of gratitude means making a conscious decision to make a deliberate effort to have a grateful heart and perspective each and every day – or at least for me. Maybe that means posting a sticky note on your…


Envy Is Ignorance

“Envy is ignorance. Imitation is suicide.” Spoken by a true genius. Mr. Emerson know’s what’s up – don’t you think? It’s easy to fall into the temptation of comparing ourselves to others, which can sometimes lead to feeling of jealousy or envy. When you find yourself walking down that path, turn around. Stop. And don’t think “oh, if I could be just like…”. That’s just plain stupid. Or, as Mr.…


ROMANS 12:12

Romans 12:12 is such a good one. And a great reminder, too. I hope you all have a lovely Tuesday.


Fear Clogs, Faith Liberates

Don’t let your self-doubts and personal fears keep you from accomplishing what you really want in life! Have faith and follow your gut – otherwise you’ll never know. The first step is knowing what you want and you must believe in yourself. Image Credit: Pamela Hanson // Typography by BTD


Never Let The Things You Want Make You Forget The Things You Have

Never Let The Things You Want make you forget the things you have. After all the pinning and sharing from the last time I posted this quote, I noticed that you all REALLY liked the message behind this one – or you definitely thought it was a noteworthy bookmark or pin! Over the past few months, I’ve come across it time and time again. And each time I would see…