Life - November 13, 2018

If You’re in a Funk for the Holiday, Try These 4 Things

Can I be honest about something? I kinda hate how everyone hypes this up as the most wonderful time of the year. Heck, I’ve probably even done it on this blog! And the thing is – it is a great time of year – but it doesn’t mean every day feels like it. I’ve had my fair share of funks during the holidays, and I think it’s one of the hardest times to go through one. It’s like we’re not supposed to feel anything but cheery and totally awesome from November-December. But that’s not realistic. People have funks all the time, no matter the month, and a lot of the time it’s out of our control.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from going through weird times or funks, it’s that certain things feel good. Wanted to share those today in case anyone else is going through it right now!

Accept that it might last a while

There’s unfortunately no expiration dates on funks. Sometimes (at least for me), they last a day, sometimes they last months. Instead of going to bed every day thinking “OK tomorrow’s going to be the day!” just let it be. Try your best to remove expectations of how you’ll feel or how you’re *supposed* to feel. You might have moments where you feel better, only to feel back in that funk 20 minutes later, and that’s OK! I’ve found that removing the time expectations really helps ease the anxiety of surviving a funk.

Give back

For me, one of the things that usually helps adjust my mindset is giving back. There are SO many people less fortunate than me, and though I don’t recommend getting down on yourself because of this, simply help out. Do anything to give back in your community and it’ll probably give you a feel-good boost. Then keep doing it! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to live up to during this time, but commit to something once a week – something that’s easy enough to complete. Maybe it’s cooking a meal for the homeless if you don’t want to leave the house, or walking dogs at the local shelter to get you out. Lots of ideas here too!

Take care of yourself

While I love the idea of self care, sometimes I think it can be intimidating. Honesty, some days I don’t feel like I have time or energy for it! But what I’ve found is that having a self care plan can do wonders. It’s like once you know what YOU personally need/want during certain times, it kind of takes the effort out of it. Here’s exactly how to make a self care plan that works for you – not just some plan a magazine wrote.

Get inspired

OK, with this tip, you have to know that you don’t actually need to ACT on the inspiration. I find that too many tasks on my list only makes the funk way worse – and thinking of things I have to do is stressful.

Making a physical moodboard or even going on Pinterest and creating a board specifically for this funk can be helpful. By paying attention to what you’re pinning, you might be able to pinpoint what’s causing your funk. For example, if you’re pinning a lot of cozy at home images, maybe you need more down time. If you’re pinning healthy bodies, maybe it’s time to start a gentle fitness routine. If you’re pinning hair, maybe you need a little spruce up!

At the least, I always find making an inspo board gives me inspiration of sorts!

What’s something that helps you get through funks? Especially during the holidays?

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