

CBD Q&A: What I Know So Far, the Brand I’m Using and Answers for Your Questions

I’m so excited to write this post and share with you what I’ve learned so far about CBD and Equilibria – the brand I’ve been using on this journey. Even though I felt VERY nervous to initially talk about this topic, y’all seem just as curious as me and want to know more, which makes me happy! To make this information easy to read and skimmable (like if you just…


Here’s How to Make Your October a Good Month

Happy fall, y’all! Is that cheesy to say? LOL. But for real, happy fall! I think I’m so excited for the change in season because I’m moving to a place that actually has all four seasons. I mean I love Dallas and always will but let’s be honest, it’s pretty toasty year-round. Anyway, my excitement for fall got me thinking about how we can all start October off on a…


4 Things I’m Trying to Have More Energy

Hey friends! I hope today’s post doesn’t come across as me complaining or anything, but I feel like I have to share it with y’all in case anyone has any good tips. See, I’ve been SO run down lately. Like even back before the engagement and I wasn’t running around quite as much as I am now. You might remember me talking about it on Stories? I thought maybe it…


4 Benefits of Waking Up Slowly and How to Actually Do It

I’m not sure if it’s all the travel I’ve been doing this summer or maybe I’ve been trying to do too much in general, but I’ve been waking up so darn tired lately. It’s like I’ll go to bed and get a full eight hours of sleep (or more!) and still wake up wanting to hit snooze three times. Anyone else ever find themselves in this kind of a funk?…


How to Detox Your Life: Scheduling + Routine

Hey friends! Today’s How to Detox Your Life installment is the fourth and final one and is all about detoxing your schedule and routine. I’ve written a lot about priorities and building a routine on BTD, so you probably already know this is a topic I’m really passionate about. I guess I saved the best for last (at least for me LOL). If you missed the first three you can…


How to Stop Being a People Pleaser

Hi friends! I’m back today with thoughts on people pleasing and how to go about breaking the pattern of always wanting to bend over backward for everyone. As a fellow people pleaser, I know this is much easier said than done, which is why I wanted to write a post about it. Here’s the thing, being a people pleaser isn’t a bad thing, in fact, I think it means you…


How to Detox Your Life: Work

Time for installment number three of four in my How to Detox Your Life mini-series. Have the other posts on home and self-care been helpful for y’all? I really hope so! They’ve honestly been helpful to me just writing them out and visualizing what I need to do to clean up my own life a bit. But anyway, today is all about work. I’ve talked about finding work/life balance on the…


How to Detox Your Life: Home

I hope y’all are loving my new mini-series “How to Detox Your Life”! In the first post, I covered everything self-care and called out all the skincare products I’m loving right now. But for today, we’re switching gears and I’m diving into detoxing your home! When I came home from Portugal (I know I keep mentioning that in these posts, but it’s when I realized I needed to detox my…


How to Detox Your Life Series: Self-Care

After getting back from my Portugal trip (which was SO amazing BTW), I desperately felt like my whole life needed a detox. Like suddenly my mind was just filled with all the things I wanted to clean out, organize and get rid of. And I don’t just mean my closet and rooms in my house – I wanted to detox my entire life. Which is why today I’m sharing the…


What My Fall Morning Routine Looks Like (+ Ideas for Yours!)

Morning routines seem to be one of those things that EVERYONE likes to talk about – including me. Y’all responded really well to this post on morning routines (which I’m still pretty proud of TBH, so if you haven’t read it yet, please do). And it’s a topic that I see everywhere – from talking with people in my life to articles I read, etc. Everyone is so interested in…


How to Get Rid of Sunday Night Anxiety

If you’ve never experienced Sunday night anxiety, or The Sunday Scaries as my friends and I call them, you’re lucky. This post probably isn’t for you. But for the rest of us, the struggle is real, right? Three p.m. sets in on a Sunday afternoon and all of a sudden, the relaxing vibes of the weekend disappear almost instantly. You start thinking about the week, all the things you have…


10 Tips To Make Going To Sleep Easier

In an attempt to #adult more, I’ve been testing out practices in the evening to make myself go to sleep easier. I wouldn’t call it a nighttime routine yet – and I kinda change it up daily – but I find these things help SO much in terms of getting in the bedtime mindset. Plus, a successful morning routine actually stems from getting your life together at night slash setting yourself up for success. Whether you’re a night owl looking to get to bed earlier or want more of a chance for a morning routine, I think you’ll like this post! Here are 10 ways to make yourself go to sleep earlier (without medicine or anything like that included).


15 Self-love Solutions For However You’re Feeling

I want to talk more about self-love on BTD because I think it’s SO important, but I also don’t want to make every single post heavy or super lengthy. To start off, I thought it’d be fun to share some mindset shifts or SOLUTIONS in the form of self-love to address however you may be feeling. Just a quick, short read to give you something you may need, without needing to…


How To Recoup After the Holidays

This is kind of a weird week isn’t it? It’s like Christmas is over, but New Year’s is this weekend and a lot of people are taking the week off and yeah, it’s just a weird week! I’ve found that it’s a good time to kinda chill and touch base before the new year officially starts, but I’ll be honest, I’m not always crazy motivated during this “in between” week.…


7 Relaxing Things To Do in December

December isn’t always the most calm month, but I hate feeling like the whole month goes by like WOAH. Or that it’s one of the “happiest” times of year yet we all just buzz through it, ya know? Lisel and I thought it’d be cute to put together a list of ways to find the chill during the craziness – after all, it’s a beautiful time of year and we…


How to Deal With Anxiety Surrounding the Holidays

I love (mostly) everything about this time of year – cozying up by a fire in my PJs, decorating my house for the holidays, and spending much-needed extra time with family and friends. One thing I don’t love about the holidays is all the extra anxiety I seem to get around this time of year though. It’s been pretty bad lately if I’m being honest. Like WOAH. Anxiety seems to…


5 Ways To Keep Your Health in Check During the Holidays

I don’t talk a ton about health and fitness on the blog, and to be totally candid, I’m not the BEST at it. Between growing up cheering through college and decent genes, I’ll be honest, I didn’t have to struggle much with weight. And I know that’s annoying slash lucky, and I totally understand that, but I’m trying to be real like always. Now that I’m later in my 20s…


6 Ways to Stop Overthinking

Y’all, I’m a huge overthinker – have been for years – for as long as I can remember, actually. There’s never been a time in my life where overthinking has been a positive experience for me. Typically, something negative happens in my life, and I think ways I could have gone about it differently. Or, something hasn’t even happened yet, and I’m already over-thinking and getting anxiety about different ways…