- October 5, 2016

Top Business Podcasts

To continue the series of providing y’all with recommended podcasts that I love, today’s post surrounds ones that are specifically for business inspiration. I wanted to start a list of the best business podcasts I’ve come across. I want to note that I’ll be updating this as I come across more though!

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I actually don’t even think you need to run a business to get something out of these, as a lot are filled with general work and life advice. I especially love this group when I’m feeling uninspired or lost when it comes to my career. These are also great for a Monday morning when you need a push to shake off the weekend and get back into business mode.

Best Business Podcasts For Entrepreneurs

1. Young House Love (~30 minutes)

This is THE perfect Monday a.m. podcast because like I just said, it gets you in work mentality, plus this duo is hilarious. They are a married couple who talk about DIY, decor, business and interview interesting bloggers, designers, and even TV personalities. (They also have a product line at Target so they know what they are doing.) This is simply good entertainment. They provide juicy tips from the design world and are incredibly informative about work. Plus, they seem to really like each other’s company which I find endearing.

2. The Coffee Commute from The Rising Tide Society (~20 minutes)

A great podcast for creatives, this is down-to-earth information. Leaders in the creative world are guests and this is filled with motivating energy and great banter. It’s infection and informative, just the way I like my podcasts! Their business advice is truly practical and I always think about what they say days after the episode.

3. Girl Boss Radio (~30 minutes)

This actually had some mixed reviews when I first checked it out, but it seemed like the majority were positive. I will say – and this was mentioned in reviews – that sometimes the first 15 minutes or so, the host, Nasty Gal’s founder Sophia Amoruso, talks to a friend, which is a bit annoying. Fast-forward through that, though, and you get excellent interviews with inspiring women. I especially loved the Charlize Theron interview. She’s amazing. Definitely, some solid #girlboss tips in here once you get to the interviews! I like this one when I’m sitting at my desk or doing a task where I can easily skip through (so not the best for driving).

4. Startup Podcast (~30 minutes)

The host here (who also worked on the popular podcast This American Life), Alex, shows true candor about what it’s like to start and run a business. I appreciate her vulnerability as sometimes people making running a business look VERY easy. She’s real. She goes into the startup culture and pokes fun at it a bit which is refreshing. She does go in depth on certain topics, so if I’m not into one, I just skip through a bit. Overall, I like this one a lot when I can pick through it!

What About You?

Let me know if y’all have any other podcasts in this theme that you absolutely love!

Hope you enjoy some of those, too, if you don’t already subscribe.

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