

How and Why to Do a Self-Assessment Each Year [Free Download!]

Each year, I make it a priority to take a look back at the past year and see what areas I want to grow in for the year ahead. 2023 was a wild year for us. I can’t tell you how much growing and changing I did over the last 365 days, so I’m even more excited than normal to do a self-assessment. My kids and my faith have become…


My Experience with Taking CBD

Hey friends! Today’s post has been a long time coming and I’m really excited to put it together and share my full Equilibria slash CBD experience with you all. If you follow along on Stories, you see me talking about Equilibria all the time, and yes, they are a brand partner, but I also just love sharing about it because their CBD products really have made a huge impact since…


Things I’m Doing to Feel Good Right Now + Lululemon favorites

There’s no doubt 2020 has brought lots of negativity, but I’ve always been (or tried to be at least) a glass half full kind of girl. I don’t always succeed at it, but lately, I’ve been trying to remind myself of all the GOOD  and everything making me feel happy right now. I really want to spread that positivity to you guys too so I decided to write a little…


Why You Need a Self-Care Plan and How to Make One

How often do you prioritize caring for yourself? If you’re like me or most women I know, it’s not often enough. This is why in today’s post I want to address why self-care is important and why you need a self-care plan. I have to actively remember to take care of myself more times than not and have found, like most, self-care is still a struggle for me to prioritize…


What I’m Doing To Stay On My Workout Game

Outfit Details : Leggings // Top // Cardigan // Shoes  OK, I feel like I have to kind of say something before diving into this post. I am NOT any kind of personal trainer/fitness influencer LOL. I started sharing my workouts on IG a while ago (even before COVID) because I thought it would be helpful to anyone else who struggles to workout even though they know they should (AKA…


Ways to Be a Better Friend Right Now

Hey, friends! Today’s post is one I’ve been really looking forward to sharing because it’s a topic that has come up in my life a lot lately. I used to like to think that no matter how old I got, I’d never let anything get in the way of my friendships because they’ve always been so important to me. Well, fast-forward to moving to another state, getting married and just…


What I Learned from Saying No This Month

Hey, friends! Most of you probably know by now that I took most of the month of May off from creating my usual amount of content for BTD and scaled WAY back. I’m starting to ease back into my normal groove this month and wanted to take a minute to share with y’all a few things I learned simply by acknowledging my own feelings and saying no. I totally realize…


7 Signs You Need a Social Media Detox

Something I’ve been toying with lately is a social media detox. I’ve actually been doing them on accident on the weekends pretty often, and it wouldn’t be an understatement to say it’s been life-changing. It started with taking a trip with #mysteryboy and naturally I was off my phone because we were running around Austin and enjoyin’ life. It didn’t even occur to me until Sunday evening that I hadn’t…


How to Do a Spa Night With Your Guy

OK friends, I’ve been working on this post for the last week or so and I am so excited to finally share it with y’all! It’s all about how to have a spa night with your guy at home! I mentioned a little while ago on Stories that Duncan and I have been doing some masks together in the evening and y’all were so curious about it! Duncan has been…


How to Fill Your Cup Without Being Your Most Productive Self

One of the trickiest things about this pandemic that I’ve noticed is that we’re all going through this crazy, scary time, yet we’re pretty much expected to live/work like normal. And when I say “expected” I don’t necessarily mean expectations from your boss or partner, but it’s more like a pressure that’s coming from within. Anyone else feeling this way? Emotions are running high and at least for me, it’s been really hard to focus and feel like I can reach max productivity, yet it’s what I still expect from myself and when I can’t do it, I beat myself about it.


Easy At-Home Self-Care Ideas

Hey friends! Today’s post is all about YOU! I think now more than ever we all need a little bit of self-care and things that bring us relaxation and joy so I want to encourage everyone to take some time and dedicate it to doing something nice for yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive, just something small that’s meaningful to you and brings you all the…


11 Ideas for Things to Keep You Busy While Stuck at Home

How’s everyone doing? I know these days are starting to feel a bit long knowing there’s nothing to really look forward to outside of being at home. This might be especially true for those of you that aren’t used to working from home, so know that I’m thinking of y’all and trying to brainstorm ways to be helpful during this tricky time. I have some great tips in this post…


What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed

If you’ve been following me on social media or reading BTD for any amount of time then you know I’m someone who gets overwhelmed easily. I tend to overthink and overanalyze, which then leads me to feel, well, overwhelmed. It used to be something I was embarrassed about, especially sharing so much of my life online. Like, why were some things so hard for me when they weren’t for others? But…


How to Do Self Care in the Winter

Outfit Details: Top (wearing size xs) // Pants (wearing size xs) Hey friends! I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about how I’ve adjusted to Denver not only because moving across the country is a big deal, but because I moved into a whole new climate that has a full-on winter (go here for what to buy when moving to the snow). The answer is I’ve definitely had to…


How to Make Journaling a Habit

Hey, friends! Today’s post is all about one of my favorite things – journaling! I mention it A LOT on Instagram and here on BTD, but I realized recently that I’ve never really shared with y’all how to make it a habit. I want to walk through this because journaling is honestly so therapeutic for me. If you’re just getting started, I don’t want it to feel like a “chore”…


30 Things I’ve Learned By 30

Well, I am officially 30!! I want to say it’s hard to believe but TBH, it’s really not. I feel like I’m ready to enter this new decade and kind of use this birthday as the true mark of starting a new chapter in my life. One that will include getting married (ahhhh!!), finally getting to share a home with Duncan and just starting the next phase of my life that…


What I’m Grateful For + A Cooking Playlist

Happy Thanksgiving week, friends! I’m feeling all the good feels right now as I think about being with family and people I love over the Thanksgiving holiday. I try my best to walk through life every day with a grateful heart, but that’s why I love Thanksgiving so much – to remind us all to stop and take a minute to really think about what we have in life and…


6 Adulting Habits I Want to Form for My 30s

You read that right – as of this month I am officially joining the 30s club! And ya know what? I’m actually really excited about it! I feel like with the move and the wedding it’s the perfect time to just start a new decade fresh. I’m entering this whole new chapter in my life and turning 30 seems like the perfect way to get it started. And with this…